William Panos
William Panos

Looking ahead to President Trump’s $1-trillion, 10-year infrastructure plan, rural states are laying down a marker. Transportation officials from rural areas say public-private partnerships generally won’t help them. They say they need direct federal funding.

在2月8日的参议院环境和公共工程委员会听证会上,交通总监怀俄明州威廉·潘诺斯(William Panos状态。”Panos在爱达荷州,蒙大拿州,北达科他州,南达科他州和怀俄明州的点作证说:“任何表面运输倡议都应强烈强调公式资金。”他支持2015年修复美国表面运输(FAST)ACT的资金公式。

Steve Hall, an American Council of Engineering Companies vice president, says, “I think the message that has emerged … is that, if we’re going to do something big on infrastructure this year, it has to include something for the traditional federal programs to meet the needs of those states where there’s not a logical [public-private partnership] project.”

特朗普竞选顾问建议通过税收抵免来吸引私人基础设施投资者。DOT秘书Elaine Chao表示,她认为该计划也将有直接的联邦资金。

美国土木工程师协会董事总经理Brian Pallasch说,农村地区可以使用小型项目的P3包装。18luck官网宾夕法尼亚州正在通过这样的P3重建558座桥梁。他说,一个新的大型基础设施计划应该有私人资金,以及州和地方资金。他说:“但是,有些项目仍然需要联邦援助,没有私营部门的18luck官网参与……税收抵免以及我们正在谈论的所有其他事情。”

Rural voices have had an impact. The FAST Act sets aside for rural areas at least 25% of $4.5 billion in non-formula grants for key freight and highway projects. Congress also said at least 20% of the roughly $500 million in DOT 2016 TIGER grants had to go to rural projects.