小挖掘机:Auxiliary Hydraulic Controls

Deere 85G挖掘机的工作重量为19,564磅,最大挖掘深度为14英尺,10英寸。它由57马力的发动机提供动力,该发动机符合第4层最终排放标准。挖掘机可以配备液压耦合器,使其可以使用反铲液压附件。辅助液压系统的手控制是标准配置,授予操作员对各种附件的控制权更为精心。

Deere Construction & Forestry Division;www.deere.com

混凝土钻机:Dust Control



Stand-on Trencher:能够抵消沟渠

ST37X stand-On沟槽设计用于基本的沟槽应用,包括创建基础和安装排水管。该沟槽由37马力的Yanmar柴油发动机提供动力,并能够挖掘高达16英寸宽的沟槽,深36英寸。此外,它可以沿着中心线或偏移挖掘,从而使其与障碍物一起挖沟。操作员的平台被安装在弹簧上,以减少振动,并具有足够的地面间隙来处理碎屑和不均匀的地形。


Luffing-jib Crane:多个配置

The LCL700 luffing-jib crane is available in two configurations, with maximum load capacities of 64 or 50 metric tons. Using simple, on-site modifications, each crane can be switched to single-line pull from double-line pull, resulting in lifting capacities of 32 and 25 metric tons, respectively. This modification also significantly increases hoist speeds, allowing the high-capacity crane to adapt to different lifting conditions. It has a maximum working radius of 65 meters, which can be reduced in 5-m increments to 30 m. The crane has a minimum working radius of only 4 m, allowing it to work on crowded sites.

Linden Comansa;www.lindencomansa.com

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