Scores of “sanctuary” cities, counties and states for undocumented immigrants are vowing to defy President Donald Trump’s executive order, issued last month, that threatens to block their federal funding, even as they—along with construction-industry interests—struggle to determine exactly how the edict would affect funds already earmarked for local infrastructure projects or expected for future ones.

圣克拉拉县, Calif., on Feb. 23 filed suit in federal district court in San Francisco, seeking a nationwide preliminary injunction to block federal agencies from withholding federal funds to those municipalities that won’t participate in the administration’s expanded federal immigration enforcement and deportation efforts. Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said agencies would “unapologetically enforce the law, no ifs, ands or buts.” The county, which includes Silicon Valley communities, charges that the Jan. 25 order is unconstitutional. San Francisco filed a similar suit earlier this month.

县法律顾问詹姆斯·威廉姆斯(James Williams)说:“我们现在正在寻求一项初步禁令,以保护该县免受总统故意无视宪法施加的权力的限制。”他说,该命令造成了财政和预算不确定性,使该县的运作能力危险。尽管其17亿美元的年度联邦资金中的大部分支持安全网服务,但这笔钱也包括在运输,住房和社区发展项目中。18luck官网与联邦组成部分的合作包括持续的努力,以取代1920年代后期的恶化县桥梁。

官员说,隐约written order fails to clarify which federal funding is affected. “In some places, it refers to ‘federal funds.’ In others, it refers to ‘federal grants,’ ” says Williams. “The order is so vague that the county has no idea what it must do to avoid being deemed ineligible for federal funds and other unspecified enforcement actions,” says the suit. The county also claims the order sets up a process that would allow Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly to decide which municipalities to target and the severity of penalties. “The President has attempted … both to take Congress’s spending power for himself, and to extend that power far beyond its constitutional limits,” the county says in its suit.

美国运输部的联邦公路计划是一项报销计划,但目前尚不清楚其资金是否会受到影响。DOT还向各州提供赠款,该州将资金分配给城市和县。2月18日的Politico文章说,但是代理机构赠款计划(例如Fastlane,Tiger和New to Transit开始)可能是针对目标的。部门发言人没有回应置评请求,但许多联邦机构受到阻碍。一位联邦机构官员说:“我们很好奇,很多人都很焦虑。”他不被确定,因为他无权为该机构代理。

Open the Books, a private database of government spending, in a February report said 106 sanctuary cities alone received $21.5 billion in federal grants and $4.23 billion in direct payments in fiscal 2016. California, Connecticut, New Mexico and Colorado are sanctuary states. Chicago’s housing authority received $650 million in direct payments and $109.6 million in grants in fiscal 2016, says the report. The Oakland agency received $270 million. Other federal disbursements included $7.8 million to Mesa, Ariz., for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway airport. Miami-Dade County dropped its sanctuary protections on Feb. 17 for fear it could lose millions of dollars for public transit projects, say published reports. But after the Trump order was announced, Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley (D) declared the city a sanctuary.
