Sabal Trail变速器LLC官员表示,2016年2月批准的公司批准的公司建设为32亿美元的天然气管道,现在完成88%。从阿拉巴马州中心跑往佐治亚州南部到奥兰多,佛罗里达附近,该行计划于6月开始开展业务。

预测的515英里长的管道transport 1 billion cu ft of natural gas per day. The development is a joint venture of Spectra Energy Partners, NextEra Energy Inc. and Duke Energy. The buried line will convey gas from the Transco Pipeline, north of Alexander City, Ala., to Florida Power and Light and Duke Energy of Florida for electric generation in central Florida. Houston-based Gulf Interstate Engineering is providing engineering and construction management for the pipeline, five compression stations and metering installation.

Spectra发言人Andrea Shokeswoman Andrea Grover指出,在2月底,剩下61英里的管道。

“We are on target to be commercially operational by the end of June,” she says.

管道是36英寸的混合物。和24英寸 - 直径高强度钢管,由Berg Pipe组制造。

Grover says Florida’s current natural-gas pipeline infrastructure is running at or near capacity and not adequate to meet the growing demand in central and southern Florida.

According to Grover, more than 5,700 people have worked on the construction. In central Florida, the project has attracted protestors who are concerned about risk to the area’s pristine aquifer.