随着唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)担任总统的意外选举后,2016年第四季度建筑高管的市场乐观激增在2017年第一季度的强度更高。市场将继续扩大。


The CICI measures executive sentiment about the current market and reflects the respondents’ views on where it will be in the next three to six months and over a 12- to 18-month period. The index is based on responses to surveys sent out to more than 6,000 U.S. firms on ENR’s lists of leading general contractors, subcontractors and design firms, from Feb. 10 through March 6.


ENR 1Q Cost Report PDF


同时,即将脸上ts of the latest Confindex survey from the Construction Financial Management Association, Princeton, N.J., show that, similarly, executives are more optimistic about what the upcoming year has in store. CFMA each quarter polls 200 CFOs from general and civil contractors and subs.

CFMA ConfIndex的基于四个独立的财务和市场组成部分,分别为200。100的评分表示稳定的市场,而较高的评级表明市场增长或应促进增长的状况。

“The overall Confindex showed an overall gain in the first quarter, rising from 127 in the fourth quarter to 130 in the current quarter,” says Stuart Binstock, CEO of CFMA. Two of the four components of the Confindex rose dramatically in the first quarter, he notes.

The “general business conditions” component was up seven points, to 136, after a six-point gain in the last quarter, and the “year-ahead outlook” jumped seven points, to 131, after a similar gain in the past quarter, Binstock says. However, the Confindex “financial conditions” component remained at 125, and the “current market conditions” component held steady, too, at 129.

The industry believes Trump’s election may boost business prospects.经济顾问Sage Policy Group Inc.,巴尔的摩和CFMA经济顾问的首席执行官Anirban Basu说:“特朗普颠簸是Confindex在过去一年中增长12%的部分原因。”像特朗普议程的许多要素一样,行业高管,包括普遍放松管制;放松银行法规,这可能允许银行更自由地借给房地产开发项目和特朗普的基础设施计划。18luck官网

The Cost of Cash

然而,联邦储备委员会Chair Janet Yellen has hinted about a possible rise in interest rates. The strong job-growth report, released on March 10, may give support to a March hike in the federal funds rate. “While bank deregulation may make it easier for banks to lend on real estate, it may get more expensive to borrow,” says Basu. This conflict in policies may be why the Confindex’s “financial conditions” rating did not rise this quarter.


The power sector also had a significant drop, falling five points, to 62, while the petroleum sector continues to be sluggish, down four points, to 49.

The biggest drop was in the environmental sector, which plummeted 11 points, to a 55 rating. “The Trump administration has shown little interest in the environmental sector, and that has many firms concerned,” says Binstock.

On the other hand, confidence in the transportation market continues to rise. The CICI rating for that sector rose five points, to 75, the highest-rated market in the survey. The water-and-wastewater sector also rose a point, to a 69 rating.

Binstock warns that the expanding market brings its own concerns to firms. “The skills shortages being felt in the industry, coupled with a tightening of immigration policy by the Trump administration, could bring about heavy pressure on labor costs.”

Further, Basu warns that materials prices are beginning to rise again. In the CICI survey, 70.7% of respondents say they have seen upward pressure on materials prices. In the survey, the most frequently cited examples of materials price increases were steel, concrete and copper.
