彼得·奥斯特维尔(Peter Oosterveer)
彼得·奥斯特维尔(Peter Oosterveer)

彼得·奥斯特维尔(Peter Oosterveer)这两家公司将于3月8日至9日宣布,将于3月31日担任Fluor Corp.首席运营官,并在承包商的职业生涯为期28年后,返回其本土荷兰,担任全球工程巨头Arcadis的首席执行官。自去年10月以来尼尔·麦克阿瑟(Neil McArthur)由于与董事会的差异未公开,因此离开了Arcadis。首席财务官雷尼尔·弗里(Renier Vree)从那以后一直是临时首席执行官。

阿卡迪斯said that, at its April 26 annual shareholders meeting, Oosterveer, 58, will be confirmed as CEO, serving “for a period of four years.” He is “a seasoned international leader who understands our sector,” said ChairmanNiek Hoek在声明中。在领导其能源和化学业务之后,Oosterveer于2014年成为Fluor COO。在阿卡迪斯(Arcadis),他将负责提高公司的底线。It reported on Feb. 17 a 5% drop in net revenue, to $2.64 billion, for 2016. The firm noted Brazil’s deep recession, as well as declines in the North America and Asia markets, but predicts improvements in the Americas in the second half of 2017.

Fluor没有命名COO继任者,并指出董事长兼首席执行官David T. Seaton,55,将扮演额外的角色。Fluor还说首席财务官比格斯波特,64岁,他的继任者被任命为年底。他于2012年加入该公司。


In announcing its latest quarter and year-end results last month, the firm noted “a very weak bookings quarter, the lowest since the depths of the financial crisis in 2009,” said Andrew Wittmann, Baird Equity Research senior research analyst. “Positively, management sees opportunity in infrastructure and mining and possibly energy, though near-term prospects are lacking.” Wittmann noted an increase in the firm’s domestic nuclear construction backlog from projects in Georgia and South Carolina. While the projects “remain challenged,” he said, Fluor’s cost-reimbursable contract is “insulating it from further cost escalation.”

Aecomhas elevated保罗W. Prayloto chief operating officer of its construction services unit. He had been chief financial officer of Tishman Construction Corp., which he joined in 1999 and which AECOM acquired in 2010. Through organic growth and the more recent purchase of Hunt Construction Group, the unit has grown tin revenue to nearly $7 billion from under $2 billion since 2011, according to AECOM. The firm also said that the two acquired construction firms now will be co-branded with their parent.

Doug Dreyerhas joined Parsons Corp. as executive vice president of business development for its Centreville, Va.-based federal business unit. He had been senior vice president and general manager of health-care analytics at defense contractor Vencore Inc. The federal unit also elevated约瑟夫·J·“乔”·库德尼致国际高级副总裁。他是业务发展副总裁。

Cerami&Associates Inc.是位于纽约市的声学和综合技术顾问,已命名迈克尔·费拉拉(Michael Ferrara)chief operating officer. He had been in that same role at DOAR, which Cerami describes as a litigation and trial consulting firm. Cerami is a woman-owned firm with 100 employees.

McCownGordon Construction, Kansas City, Mo., announces a management succession, as of Jan. 1. Cofounder and PresidentBrett Gordonwill become chairman, and Chief Operating OfficerRamin Cherafat将成为首席执行官。切拉法特(Cherafat)于2000年加入该公司,今年的收入超过5.25亿美18luck官网元。自2015年以来,该公司一直是员工拥有的100%。