It was a risky job, subject to myriad variables, the least of which was the fickle currents of New York City’s tidal East River. It was a pioneering job that took modular construction to new levels. It was a nerve-racking job executed in the dark, which caused many a sleepless night. It was a successful job that saved time and money. It was the logistical feat of delivering (by river) and lifting (with a derrick barge) 19 heavy modules for a laboratory building at Rockefeller University.

在一个时代,许多所有者,设计师和承包商因担心陷入诉讼的泥潭而避开了前所未有的时代,整个960英尺长的研究大楼的整个施工团队都团结在一起,伸出了集体的脖子并全速发展先。他们成功完成了工作中最脆弱的部分 - 去年夏天,重量从500到788吨重的放置,摇摆和着陆模块。

模块化平衡战略的勇气始于学校本身及其前校长马克·泰西尔·拉维尼(Marc Tessier-Lavigne),他在该项目进展顺利之后,去年离开了洛克菲勒大学,担任斯坦福大学的校长。所有者顾问彼得·莱勒(Peter Lehrer)说:“这是该市最复杂的项目之一。”18luck官网“如果出现问题或有人受伤,风险是不可思议的。”

除了一个勇敢的所有者之外,建筑团队是勇敢的,从特纳建筑公司(Turner Construction Co.。他们都将声誉放在工作中。

Banker had never done a marine job before, so it selected a team that had. While at a different firm, NYCC President Barry King had cut his teeth on the job’s closest precedent: a 1990s riverside modular-delivery project for a shorter, single-story platform over FDR Drive, due north.



“We were extremely lucky in our relationship with Marc,” says Rafael Viñoly. “He got the drift of this right off the bat.”