
What if we could turn every dollar invested into $1.20 in spending power? By aggressively adopting advanced technologies that are available today, we can.

Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao captured the point perfectly in her confirmation hearing when she said, “It’s also important to recognize that the way we build and deliver projects is as important as how much we invest.”

The issue is not just what we spend, but how we spend, that will make the difference.

Here’s how.

Using building information modeling—BIM—will allow state transportation departments, transit agencies, and the federal government to do far more with existing federal taxpayer dollars by building virtually first, to validate the approach and costs. Virtually building a project first slashes risk, waste, and rework that can lead to major cost overruns.

BIM goes beyond just design and construction. BIM also helps improve worker safety and long-term maintenance and operations of critical infrastructure. Efficiency and cost savings are what taxpayers want and should expect in government spending.

Countries and cities around the world are implementing or exploring the implementation of BIM policies, including China, Germany, the United Kingdom, Dubai, France, Australia, and nations across the European Union, to name just a few.



To put a finer point on what these cost-savings mean, if we were to save and reinvest $200 billion, or 20 percent—a similar goal to that of our U.K. cousins—we would be able to use those savings to replace every single structurally deficient bridge on the National Highway System in the United States, including Puerto Rico, according to a U.S. Dept. of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 2015 report. After replacing all structurally deficient bridges, there would still be $175 billion to invest in public transit, roads, and other critical infrastructure and innovation.

本·富兰克林(Ben Franklin)普及了这句话:“一分钱是一分钱。”当涉及到纳税人在急需的基础架构上,谚语具有更大的含义。数以百万计的储蓄意味着我们可以可靠地为我们工作,将美国的道路,铁路,机场和桥梁可靠地归还,并将帮助创造数千个有意义的工作。我们知道该解决方案有效,并且在对纳税人的公平性中,美国可以并且应该与BIM建设。

吉姆·林奇(Jim Lynch)是Autodesk,Inc。AEC部门的建筑产品线组的副总裁。他是CAD行业的25年资深人士,曾在建筑物,制造业,制造业中担任过各种高级管理职务和电子设计自动化行业。