Whether it’s a university seeking to attract prospective students, a suburban hospital aiming to draw more patients or a corporation recruiting employees, MidAtlantic owners are keeping the region’s construction and renovation market active. “They are playing to win,” says David Lambertsen, director of business development at HSC Builders & Construction Managers. “Markets are competitive, and as the density of the region increases, the institutions are trying to improve and increase their competitive edge with the best possible facilities.”

这个切入的市场反映在今年的ENR Midatlantic Top开头列表中。新利luck该排名包括50个超过1.05亿美元的项目,这是与18luck官网去年最低昂贵合同的8350万美元相比的显着提升。

Based on Dodge Data & Analytics information and input from contractors, the Top Starts list ranks the largest projects by total cost that broke ground during 2016 in the region, which includes Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. The 50 projects totaled $9.7 billion. Last year’s list, which tracked only 25 projects, totaled $5.7 billion.

ENR MidAtlantic 2016 Top Starts

Seven hospital projects are on this year’s list, including the $331-million Washington Adventist Hospital in White Oak, Md. Two other hospitals on the roster —the $200-million Bryn Mawr Hospital expansion and renovation in Pennsylvania and the $150-million infrastructure master plan for A.I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Del.—are being managed by HSC Builders & Construction Managers, Exton, Pa.

HSC’s Lambertsen says the modernization of older facilities is one reason for the regional health care sector’s growth. Suburban hospitals are pushing to increase their technological offerings to discourage patients from seeking care in urban medical centers. Accomplishing that goal requires “a tremendous amount of infrastructure improvements, technology, energy, wiring and data, because the whole world has changed in last 20 years and facilities are truly obsolete,” he says.


David W. Williams, Fluor vice president of power sales, says gas-fueled power plants cost more than ever to build but they have two to three times the generating capacity as plants built 10 to 15 years ago, thanks to technological advancements. “On the dollar-per-net-kilowatt output basis, I believe the price has been pretty steady,” Williams says.

With natural gas prices remaining low, Williams says natural gas plants are less expensive to build and operate than coal-fired plants even as the Trump administration takes steps to relax regulatory requirements on the coal industry. “It would be difficult to justify a coal plant for any other reason than fuel diversification,” Williams says.

最高开始列表中出现了一些联邦18luck官网项目。但是Hensel Phelps Construction Co.的副总裁兼地区经理Will Thompson表示,联邦工作在过去两年中占公司收入的50%,而过去几年为65%至70%。Hensel Phelps已分支到其他部门。例如,它正在建造2.3亿美元的哥伦比亚广场酒店和多户住宅项目,这是排名第10的项目。


With several large projects pending, Thompson says his firm continues to bid work while the market is doing well. “But who knows how long the improvement is going to last?” he says. “It’s going to slow down at some point—hopefully it’s two years away—but it’s coming.”