
Newcomers are drawn to Utah for its healthy business climate and good jobs.

State leaders are boosting spending for construction and maintenance of state facilities and transportation to manage the growth.

In 2015, state leaders earmarked $550 million to construct a new state prison and recently approved $100 million to build the infrastructure for it. Earlier this year, the state Legislature approved $1 billion in bonds for transportation funding over the next four years. Major projects underway at many state-owned universities and colleges also have been a major driver of construction growth in recent years. For its funding and management of numerous forward-looking projects, ENR Mountain States has selected the state of Utah as its 2016 Intermountain Owner of the Year.

“This year, we have 568 construction projects across the state and oversee a budget of $3.1 billion,” says Jim Russell, newly installed director of the Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management (DFCM).

该州对增长的承诺在其10个大学校园中的众多建筑项目中最为明显,尤其是在人口稠密的Wasatch Front。18luck官网在DFCM 2016年的十大项目中18luck官网,有7个位于高等教育校园中。当前的项目包括盐18luck官网湖城犹他大学的Orson Spencer Hall的5500万美元更换,计划于明年8月完成,以及将于10月完成的犹他大学的4,450万美元的Crocker Science大楼。

The Utah Dept. of Transportation, which maintains nearly 3,658 miles of roads in the state, has pushed to keep up with the area’s growth in commuter traffic. UDOT recently completed the $213-million Point project, which widened and improved seven miles of freeway near Draper at the south end of the Salt Lake Valley. UDOT has announced 10 road and bridge projects for this summer valued at around $722 million. Major projects underway include the $71.8-million reconstruction of Interstate 215, 300 East to S.R. 201, and the $61.8-million Mountain View Corridor, from 5400 South to 4100 South in West Valley City, scheduled for completion this fall.


Conservative Budgets

罗素指出,尽管强劲增长,国家wmakers have remained conservative in budgeting and approving new projects. Utah is one of only 10 states to maintain a triple-A bond rating with all three major rating agencies, allowing the state to borrow at low interest rates.


州众议员Gage Froerer(R)是基础设施和一般政府拨款小组委员会主席,负责DFCM和UDOT的预算。18luck官网一系列问题。我们想确保确实有必要,然后我们寻找多种用途,尤其是在大学中。

“我们不想让一个建筑空置了long periods,” he adds, “and if there are spaces that can be used by multiple programs, we look for that. We don’t want duplication. We also want to make sure new buildings are primarily for student needs, so it better have about 70% to 80% classroom space.”

Froerer says that while state leaders prefer to have private funding or an attached revenue stream to a project, they realize that’s not always possible for some institutions.



Russell says the DFCM also looks at a range of different delivery methods when a project is given the green light. “We are using more delivery methods than ever before in the last few years,” he says. “Most of the larger projects we were doing CM/GC, but we are doing more design-build too. We’ve also been doing qualified low bid and more on a value-based system to get the best value and get more of the contractors and subs on board early.”



Richard Thorn, president of the Utah Chapter of the Associated General Contractors agrees that the local AGC members have a good working relationship with state building officials.

“Our members do the majority of the work for the state, and we enjoy a good relationship with the state Legislature and the owners like UDOT and DFCM,” says Thorn.


The state has a rating system for all contractors and will issue an evaluation when a project is completed, Russell says. “We issue a rating of one through five, and contractors have to maintain a good rating score to do work with us.”

“For the contractors on the civil side, UDOT is probably one of the best owners to work for,” Thorn says. “We have members who work for DOTs in other states, and I think they will tell you Utah’s is by far the best to work with. Same with DFCM.”