能源部长里克·佩里(Rick Perry)指示他的部门检查补贴,批发市场或其他激励措施是否偏向电力市场,以偏爱一种电力来源,而不是另一种电力,或者使电网降低弹性。

Perry on April 14 ordered the Dept. of Energy to complete a study within 60 days of “critical issues central to protecting the long-term reliability of the electric grid.” Perry did not specifically cite renewable power but says there are concerns about the grid’s “diminishing diversity.” He said, “This has resulted, in part, from regulatory burdens introduced by previous administrations that were designed to decrease coal-fired power generation.” Perry also said federal subsidies are creating “acute and chronic problems” for maintaining base-load power from coal, nuclear and natural-gas-fired power plants. In addition to the loss of dozens of coal-fired plants, some nuclear plants are closing because their operators say they are not being fairly compensated in the marketplace.

另外,联邦能源监管Commission scheduled a May 1-2 conference to address how wholesale power markets are affecting the sale of electricity. The American Council on Renewable Energy said it is “puzzled” by Perry’s order because studies have shown the grid is resilient and that low natural-gas prices, not policies or incentives, have made coal and nuclear less competitive.