
The Newsmakers, chosen by the editors based on stories published in 2016, promoted innovation and diversity, completed missions against the odds, tirelessly campaigned for needed change and devised solutions to larger-than-life problems. You can read more about their stories in the Jan. 23 edition of ENR.

马克•爱德华兹, named ENR’s 2017 Award of Excellence Winner for fighting for water safety in Flint, Mich., and beyond and for sounding the alarm when necessary, took the stage at our gala in New York City on April 13. He talked to the audience about what his team did in Flint, but he spoke even more about engineering ethics in a “world of cynicism.”

他说,世界并没有改变世界的人民,那就是那些注定要改变世界的人,他补充说:“ [概念]是一个从550英里外听到弗林特痛苦的团队的本质。…在一百万年内,他们从没想到有人会做我们所做的事情,而且他们是对的,但无论如何我们都做到了。”最后,州长道歉:“感谢我们暴露了环境犯罪,并雇用了我们来修复它,”他说。“筹集了超过五亿美元,以帮助弗林特居民救济工作,并且在一百万年内也从未发生过,但确实如此。确实,命运偏爱勇敢。”

Edwards quoted Winston Churchill, who, at the end of World War II and after Great Britain’s “finest hour,” famously said, “We want a lot of engineers in the modern world, but we do not want a world of engineers.” Edwards continued, “Churchill was calling on engineers to learn wisdom as well as a career, so we could remain morally grounded and socially relevant.”

爱德华兹说,他“不能生活在一个工程师无助于将历史弧线朝正义的世界中。”他称当前的“公众反对”针对工程师可预测的“因为我们中的许多人背叛了公众信任”。他补充说:“当工程师必须烧桥以保护公众时,……让我们下定决心……‘现在 - 那是工程师最好的时刻。’”