Key federal construction programs have won funding increases, though modest ones, in a newly enacted $1.2-trillion spending package. The legislation, which extends through Sept. 30—the end of fiscal year 2017—also has additional dollars for border security, but not for building President Trump's proposed wall between the U.S. and Mexico.



The House cleared the omnibus spending bill one day earlier by a 309-118 tally. The Congressional Budget Office估计the bill's price tag at $1.2 trillion, counting emergency funding and other spending outside of regular appropriations for the Defense Dept. and other agencies.

随着2017财年法案现在已经结束,注意力正在转移到2018年的拨款。建筑官员对特朗普的游行感到不满意outline of his 2018 budget proposal,于3月发行,因为它减少了关键基础设施帐户的资金或零资金。2017年措施中的数据使行业官员希望国会不同意特朗普提议的2018年减少。

管理和预算办公室主任米克·穆尔瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney)表示,总统有望在5月下旬向国会发送其详细的18财年预算请求。


For the construction industry, a highlight of the newly signed 2017 bill is that it restores federal highway and transit funding to the levels authorized in the 2015 Fixing America's Surface Transportation, or FAST, Act.

The programs have been operating since last October under temporary spending measures whose funding was held to 2016 levels, which were lower than the FAST Act's 2017 numbers.

The new package adds $905 million to the highway obligation ceiling, up about 2% from 2016.

It also adds $753 million, a 9% hike, to transit formula grants and $236 million, an 11% gain, for transit capital investment grants, which fund new transit starts.

Jim Tymon, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials chief operating officer, says of the legislation, "It fulfills the promise that Congress made with the passage of the FAST Act." Tymon says that the long delay in getting full FAST Act 2017 funds was becoming a major problem for state transportation departments.

“The later in the year you go, the farther into the construction season you get," he says. "And not having that predictability of knowing whether or not you're going to get that additional money has been, I think, problematic for some state DOTs."

Dave Bauer, American Road & Transportation Builders Association senior vice president for government relations, says, "While it's certainly not optimal to have the final numbers set seven months into the fiscal year, it is gratifying, from a certainty standpoint, that for the second year in a row, they have fully funded the FAST Act's highway authorization levels."

Bauer says, "Nobody ever said the FAST Act was funding the highway and transit programs at amounts commensurate with the nation's needs. What most folks heralded were the policy and the fact that we've got a five-year bill." He adds, "It's important that they are delivering what they said they would do."


特朗普提议取消2018年对新运输的资金,该资金尚未与运输部达成完整的协议。以该提议为背景,美国公共交通协会很高兴看到新的支出立法使运输资本赠款账户大量远足。APTA代理总裁兼首席执行官理查德·怀特(Richard A. White)在statement, "We see this provision as a barometer of strong bipartisan congressional support for the program."

Trump also proposed zeroing-out DOT's Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, or TIGER, grants, but the new 2017 package continues TIGER at $500 million, the same as its 2016 level. For each of the TIGER program's grant rounds since 2009, it has attracted requests for far more money than DOT has had available.

Bauer says, "I get [that Trump's] budget was for 2018 and this is a 2017 appropriations bill but, I mean, everybody who wrote those [2017] bills knows exactly what he proposed for the [2018] capital investment grants and the TIGER program."

He adds, "I'm not going to predict how that'll play out, but I do think it signals that these are areas to watch as the [FY18] process goes this year."

Among non-DOT programs, the bill freezes Environmental Protection Agency clean-water State Revolving Funds (SRFs) at their 2016 level of $1.4 billion and holds drinking-water SRFs at their 2016 mark of $863 million.

The legislation also adds funding to support a $1-billion increase in federal Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loans, up from $2 billion in an earlier stopgap.

Trump's 2018 outline proposed slashing EPA's overall budget by 31%, the largest percentage reduction among major agencies, but it didn't specify what he would recommend for the SRFs.

Adam Krantz, National Association of Clean Water Agencies' CEO, said in astatementthat, in light of Trump's proposed big 2018 cut for EPA, "the near-level support for EPA through the second half of FY17 is a positive sign for clean water funding as legislators and water stakeholders move toward FY18 negotiations."

For rural water infrastructure, the measure increases Agriculture Dept. water and waste-disposal grants by 8%, to $392 million. It freezes water and waste-disposal loans at $1.25 billion. Trump proposed no funds in FY18 for the rural water grants.

Boost for Corps Civil Works

陆军工程兵团的土建活动, the bill provides just over $6 billion, a hike of $49 million, or about 1%, from 2016. Within that total, the bill increases the Corps construction account, also by about 1%, to $1.9 billion.

The Corps civil-works operation and maintenance program received a $12-million increase, to $3.15 billion. Industry group Waterways Council Inc.notedthat the 2017 number represents the fourth consecutive year of record funding for the "O&M" account.

The Corps' 2017 allocations also赢得赞美from the American Association of Port Authorities.



Still, OMB's Mulvaneytold reporters5月1日,政府将能够使用该立法的15亿美元“在现有墙上的维护(基础设施,道路,桥梁,大门,技术,灯光)上进行,这将对今年对边境安全产生重大影响。“

Story updated on 5/5 with bill's signing and comments from AASHTO and ARTBA