新利luckEnr Midwest的2017年扩张增加了我们编辑的覆盖范围。这一举动是由于我们的出版商BNP Media的结果,致力于缩小Enr区域出版物中的差距,以便现在的10个出版物涵盖整个美国新利luck

Our previous territory—Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin—was already expansive enough. But, by bringing in the states of Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota and Nebraska, we’ve added an extra 342,000 square miles of construction markets to report on and document. Of course, one major impact from this expansion will be seen in our annual rankings of regional “Top” firms, starting with this one, the Top Design Firms ranking.


First, ENR Midwest’s geographic expansion generated an increase in the number of firms participating in this year’s survey. Compared with last year’s total of 85 survey respondents, this year’s tally of more than 110 represents a roughly 30% increase. Overall, the amount of regional revenue grew notably as well, though by that same rate. This year, Midwest engineering and architectural firms collectively reported just over $4.9 billion in 2016 design revenue from the expanded region. That compares with last year’s $3.6-billion tally of design revenue from the publication’s original coverage territory.


地理扩张不仅导致了更大的调查深度,而且导致了各个公司各自收入的增长。工程和建筑公司在今年的名单中排名最高,通常是全国参与者 - 在ENR中西部顶级设计公司排名的ENR中,他们的人数显着增长。新利luck

For instance, No. 1-ranked AECOM’s Midwest revenue grew to $553.8 million from $361.3 million a year ago, while No. 2-ranked Burns & McDonnell’s increased by nearly $200 million to tally nearly $429.6 million. Third-ranked Stantec saw its Midwest revenue more than double on this year’s ranking, while both fourth- and fifth-ranked HNTB Corp. and WSP’s reported Midwest revenue grew by 34% and 25%, respectively.

扩张还导致了最大的十大公司增加了一家新公司。总部位于圣保罗的Short-Elliott-Hendrickson Inc.在今年的榜单上排名第十,2016年的设计收入接近9370万美元。

Across the following pages, ENR Midwest invites its readers to further review the data from this expanded Top Design Firms ranking. On the main list, readers will find information about each firm’s major markets and projects, along with details about their executive leadership and locations. Additionally, we’ve included breakout rankings for each of the 11 states included in our expanded coverage area.