
建造industry leaders recently met in a roundtable format to discuss potential reforms for jump-starting America’s infrastructure development. The event was co-hosted by Stanford University’s Global Project Center and the Stanford Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law.



Roundtable participants see a need for more concentrated resources and decision-making at the federal level. A solution could include a central infrastructure authority to manage nationally significant projects and megaprojects, especially those that require coordination among multiple agencies and are most vulnerable to schedule delays and budget overruns.





Because local governments often lack capacity and expertise in project planning, front-end development tasks—such as design development, subsurface investigations, rights-of-way, acquisition and other associated risks—are pushed to potential developers. These factors can deter competitive bidding and increase overall costs.





例如,最近升级的Presidio Parkway通往加利福尼亚的Golden Gate Bridge的方法只有一英里长,但是八个政府机构对该项目具有直接的否决权,其他数十个机构可以对决定发表评论。

Many permitting delays result from disconnected and duplicative processes at different levels. It is unclear, for example, why both federal and some state governments require nearly identical environmental impact statements. These delays create additional costs, lower economic productivity and decrease a project’s social value.





Finally, the forward-thinking governors and state officials focused on innovative ways to unlock real value. To create value, the project team repurposed an old railway bridge for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, thus dropping that element from the new bridge scope and saving money.



This process requires greater transparency from both local government and private developers, and a broader network of stakeholders to identify metrics for success. If the local government can identify community needs and build strong consensus among stakeholders, value creation is possible. This, in turn, offers an opportunity for beneficiaries to pay for that value.

Federal policies can guide infrastructure delivery, but continued engagement at the local and state levels improves how infrastructure is delivered. As such, industry partners are in a unique position to engage stakeholders and champion best practices to move infrastructure projects forward.

凯特·加斯帕罗(Kate Gasparro)is a National Science Foundation graduate research fellow at the Stanford Global Project Center. She has published work on using public-private partnerships to replace transportation infrastructure. Contact her atkegaspa@stanford.edu

安德鲁·南(Andrew South)是斯坦福大学(Stanford)的斯坦福大学跨学科研究生和高级研究员。他拥有10年的国际建筑和管理经验,包括利益相关者的参与和创新的采购。与他联系asouth@stanford.edu