numerous studies warn about the challenges ahead in meeting the construction industry's demand for talent, and point to key employment risks: continued volatility of workforce needs and composition; scarcity of skilled labor, driven by demographic shifts; and the intense need for new and broader skill sets at all levels, driven by surging technology. What should the industry do to attract more talent?


Traditionally, workforce management in construction was equivalent to living a boom-to-bust cycle: hiring and firing followed the general trend of the economy. Winning the war for talent, however, requires a fundamentally different and longer-term approach. The first step involves strategic workforce planning, i.e. thinking strategically about the company’s future demand in terms of quantity and quality of skills, and the likely availability of those skills to systematically plan recruitment, retention and training.

One quick look at the demographics of the construction industry, and you can see how important planning is.

The industry also is undergoing a rapid digital transformation –– which requires radically different skill sets, and positions the industry in competition with tech companies such as Google or Apple for data scientists and IT experts.

建筑的ceo,人们和人才管理t has to become a top priority, because for students and young professionals—it is already a key factor in their choice of employer.

2Rejuvenate corporate culture

Ibrahim S. Odeh
Ibrahim S. Odeh

When Elon Musk, exasperated by the traffic in Los Angeles, tweeted his intention to develop a tunnel-boring machine and create underground roadways, many people would have dismissed it as “yet another crazy idea coming out of Silicon Valley.”

Some construction-industry participants, though, including the German tunnel-boring specialist Herrenknecht, took it far more seriously.

通过建立一个大胆的愿景并创造一种不受传统的文化,Musk and other successful innovators设法吸引来自不同领域的最佳人才,并违背标准行业实践。相比之下,许多或大多数建筑公司的特征是保守的“恐惧失败”企业文化,并受到组织惯性的阻碍。


3Invest in diversity


建造companies really need to tap into non-traditional pools – community specialists, women, and those with backgrounds in tech or IT or data science.

一种recent study by The Boston Consulting Groupfound a clear link between workforce diversity and innovation – mixed teams with diverse industry backgrounds and career paths tend to make a particularly powerful impact.



Michael Buehler
Michael Buehler


Increased automation, off-site pre-fabrication and new collaboration tools will help to enhance productivity (and wages) as well as reduce the time spent on-site—two key wishes for most respondents in our survey.

现在在汽车行业中标​​准的一些创新 - 外骨骼,人机合作和人体工程学的工作流程 - 也可以使建筑工作受益,从而使其身体上的要求降低,并且更适合衰老的劳动力。

5Foster continuous learning and career development

我们的调查显示,对于学生和年轻专业人士来说,这是潜在工作中最吸引人的方面之一(second only to interesting job content) is learning and career development. Yet only 48% of respondents say the construction industry fulfills their expectations in that.

Continuous learning and career growth is particularly important in a radically changing industry environment that requires different skills. Construction companies should integrate it into their cultures through internal academies, partnerships with external training institutions, or both.

6Create relevant incentives

no commentary on the subject of talent would be complete without some reference to the different priorities of世代或Z。Today’s young talents look beyond salary packages and benefits, and emphasize flexibility, "own your time," purpose and ethics.

Many companies in the tech sector and others have already adapted their recruitment and retention schemes to reflect those new priorities; construction companies need to up their game if they are to compete in the quest for talent.





In our survey, industry professionals proudly cited their beneficial impact on society (“we build things”), their contribution to national development, and their engagement with some of the world's most serious modern challenges, such as urbanization and climate change.

一种nd it’s true, construction accounts for 6% of global GDP, creates the physical milieu for all other industries to flourish, and directly affects everybody’s quality of life through social infrastructure such as housing, hospitals, transport systems and schools.

What’s more, built structures and engineering achievements – whether the Egyptian pyramids, the Roman Colosseum, the Panama Canal, or skyscrapers like theBurj Khalifa– have always fascinated people, and continue to do so.

建造stakeholders should collaborate more in communicating this impact, and should relay their fascinating stories more broadly by means of social media. Companies should start early, and go out to schools and universities to actively shape the image of the industry.

8Collaborate systematically


One crucial facilitator will be collaboration between companies – to leverage synergies and coordinate campaigns.

与外部组织合作是likewise crucial to provide continuous learning and career development for construction professionals and tailor curricula to industry's future needs.

One example, which leverages the new format of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), isColumbia University’s Construction Project Management and Planning Specialization计划汇集了来自学术界和公司的20位行业领导者。

这是第一个在线教育平台,通过,,,,to focus on courses in civil engineering and construction, with more than 21,000 students of all ages and from around the world completing it since its debut last October. The four-course program can be accessed for free, or can be taken, with completed assignments, to gain a certificate for a nominal fee.

These efforts will require a firm commitment from industry stakeholders, and often a considerable financial investment.


用彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)的话说:“发展人才是业务最重要的任务 -sine qua nonof competition in a knowledge economy.”


Ibrahim S. Odehis Founding Director of the Global Leaders in Construction Management – Research Initiative at Columbia University.Michael Buehler是世界经济论坛的基础设施和城市发展负责人;和圣地亚哥Castagnino是波士顿咨询集团的合伙人兼董事总经理;

Odeh can be reached at; Buehler at; and Castagnino at;