
随着桑迪亚国家实验室(Sandia National Laboratory)宣布建设项目的1.35亿美元,亚利桑那州和公路以及在拉斯维加斯搅动的酒店项目中有一18luck官网系列备受瞩目的医疗项目,活动令人沮丧。

According to the annual Top Contractors survey, the top 10 firms posted combined revenue of $3.4 billion in 2016 from work performed in the Southwest. That’s a nearly $300 million increase from 2015. Revenue from all of the firms participating in the survey rose to $6.79 billion in 2016, up from $6.46 billion in 2015, also an increase of $300 million.

去年在前10名中的收入增加了3000万美元。SUNDT Construction高级副总裁兼西南地区经理Ryan Abbott表示,收入的增加扩大了受过训练的工人的短缺,这继续挑战承包商。





Across the region and specifically in New Mexico, owners are mindful of their investments in the community. Sandia’s $135 million in construction investment went exclusively to New Mexico firms, all but two of which are small businesses.

桑迪亚采购运营部高级经理克里斯塔·史密斯(Krista Smith)说:“这些建筑合作协议表明并加强了我们对新墨西哥州小企业社区的承诺。”

Graycor Construction Co Co. Todd Ostransky说,不管西南地区的地区如何,保持苗条并找到创新的方法来降低成本的降低方式。18luck.cub提高效率的途径。
