
As government officials and construction industry participants marked significant milestones in upgrading New York City’s overstretched Pennsylvania Station and the June start of work on the new Moynihan Train Hall, mixed in was a palpable sense of relief to finally have made progress.

甚至一个新闻稿宣传最近的成功the facility named for the late New York Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D) included N.Y.C. Council Member Corey Johnson’s lament of “decades of delays and disappointments” as he welcomed how the “[new station] complex is on track to become a reality.”

7月5日,美国运输部长Elaine Chao宣布为该项目提供53710万美元的TIFIA贷款。

The mood around transportation in the New York City region has been gloomy at best this year, with even Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office referring to a “summer of hell” ahead from the expected impact on commuters of rehabilitation projects to major transit systems. Work on Penn Station tracks began in earnest on July 10, with main trains forced to reroute.

But the major work underway at the complex in midtown Manhattan evokes more a reaction of exhaustion. “This is one that sat around forever,” says Dan Biederman, president of the 34th Street Partnership, a business improvement district group that has closely monitored the station projects.


总承包商协会执行董事丹妮丝·理查森(Denise Richardson)说,长期的讨论,计划,授予竞标,重构和停止进步,导致最新成就,这使设计和建筑部门的许多人具有“项目疲劳”的感觉。纽约。

Nevertheless, the initial completed phase marks a notable first step to help improve conditions for the estimated 650,000 people who use Penn Station each workday, she says.

The new West End Concourse, completed last month by Skanska USA’s civil contracting group after a five-year construction period, opened two major entry and exit points for passengers using Penn Station, stretching passageways to the west under Eighth Avenue to the James A. Farley Post Office, built in 1912 and named for the New York City politician and former postmaster general.

The network of hallways connects to nine platforms accessing 17 of Penn Station’s 21 tracks and to New York City Transit’s 34th Street-Eighth Avenue subway stop, while also opening up new westward exit points for the first time from many platforms in the facility that had only allowed passengers to head east at track level in order to exit.

该项目也是新阶段的明确垫脚石,它将将Farley建筑物转变为运输,零售和办公室建筑群 - Skidmore,Owings&Merrill Design在其心脏上是计划中的255,000平方英尺的Moynihan Hall,LIRR and Amtrak passengers, boosting Penn Station’s concourse floor space by more than 50%.

Empire State Development Corp.(ESDC)于去年秋天授予该合同,授予Vornado Realty,Ressach Cos。和Skanska USA的合资企业,并于今年夏天开始工作,并于2020年下半年完成,及时为数百万新平方英尺的办公室付款,在哈德逊院子和曼哈顿西部的曼哈顿西部的开发项目中的住宅和零售空间。

理查森说,即使完成新阶段之后,宾夕法尼亚车站仍然缺乏足够的能力来处理当前的乘客流程 - 在目前正在使用的狭窄,拥挤的平台上。她说:“随着Moynihan的这一阶段,Penn Station的基本能力限制并没有改变。”“您仍然拥有21个曲目和平台。”

Addressing those issues would require completion of other planned but unsettled projects, such as Amtrak’s Gateway program to build a new two-track tunnel under the Hudson River and expand related station infrastructure to handle the new train traffic.

But the incremental approach used on the recent efforts may be the best bet, Biederman says.

“I think the leadership of Moynihan Station Development Corp.—the last two leaders at least, and maybe three—have been smart in that they said the only way to try to move this thing is to pick apart piece after piece that everybody seems to agree on and try to move something positive along,” he says. “I’m not in the group that feels Penn Station is hopeless, that it can’t be fixed.”



An impediment throughout the years was not having any public agency in charge of the process and no clear funding source, Richardson says. “It didn’t have a single agency champion,” she says. “The funding for this project has been cobbled together a piece at a time .… I think it raises larger questions about why we aren’t finding the political will and the way to do these projects.”

Earlier rounds of planning and project shaping that incorporated versions of the station rehabilitation effort and construction of new tunnels began to take form more than a decade ago, with bids awarded and funding pools identified—including one $14-billion plan that would have relocated Madison Square Garden, which sits atop Penn Station, into the Farley complex. But all of those eventually fizzled.

The recently completed concourse project, although modest in scale, has ended up being the first significant work in the process. Originally awarded to Skanska in a $147.7-million contract in 2012, with construction management oversight from AECOM, STV and Tishman Construction, the project was intended to double the underground western concourse’s length and width, extend passageways westward and open new entry plazas at the 31st and 33rd street corners of the Farley building on Eighth Avenue.


“One of the main challenges our team faced in the first phase was executing the work while keeping Penn Station open to the public and minimizing disruption to trains,” says John Sullivan, lead project manager at Skanska USA for the west end concourse and Farley building projects.




The completed concourse walks the project right over into the new phase of the Farley complex, which, in addition to the train hall, will have 700,000 sq ft of retail and office space within the main building and its annex on the superblock between Eighth and Ninth avenues bordered by 31st and 33rd streets.

In addition to Skanska and Skidmore, the project team includes Jaros, Baum & Bolles as M-E-P engineer; Severud Associates as structural engineer; WSP Global as owner’s representative; AKRF as environmental consultant; Langan as geotechnical consultant; and the Port Authority as a technical consultant.


The construction effort will include erecting a 36,000-sq-ft skylight on top of the Farley postal sorting room’s original steel trusses, a feature that will allow natural light to stream into the train hall concourse, which will also house shops and restaurants on the main floor and a 70,000-sq-ft balcony level. The skylight will encompass four massive glass arches comprising nearly an acre of glass.

其他项目任务包括在Farley大楼下方的Penn Station火车上进行的大量拆除,减排,支撑和修复工作。


即使是完整的Moynihan火车大厅也不是Penn Station难题的最后一部分,对接下来可能会发生的事情有竞争的景象。


另一个仍然令人陶醉的想法是将20,000个座位的竞技场转移到法利综合大楼的西半部。这个概念从今年早些时候的《纽约时报》发表的互动功能中获得了新的生活,该功能强调了建筑师Vishaan Chakrabarti的愿景,即将现有花园的外壳留在适当的位置,以在宾夕法尼亚州的顶部创建一个纪念性的中庭。

The idea caught the eye of the board for Manhattan Community District 5, which earlier this year wrote a letter to state officials touting Chakrabarti’s vision as a way to alleviate chronic pedestrian congestion in the area and to jump-start new economic development, says Wally Rubin, district manager. “We didn’t endorse the plan, but we believe it needs to be seriously studied,” he says.



GCA外部事务总监Felice Farber说,宾夕法尼亚车站综合大楼的未来视野还可能包括简单地协调其所有轨道,平台和入口,以采用单一的凝聚力逻辑。

她说:“今天,每条火车线 - 新泽西州的过境,Lirr和Amtrak都有不同的外观,流动,空间和入口。”“您最终需要整个宾夕法尼亚车站的集成设计。”