当戈登·兰斯福德(Gordon Lansford)成为2013年总部位于密苏里州堪萨斯城首席执行官JE Dunn的首位非杜恩家庭成员时,他承诺将创建一家更具包容性的建筑公司,同时继续进行过渡,该公司在前任总裁兼首席执行官领导下开始过渡史蒂夫·邓恩(Steve Dunn)将公司更多地转移到员工所有权上。兰斯福德(Lansford)取得了进步,JE Dunn现在由其员工拥有20%,由Dunn家族拥有80%。


扩大的地理范围还使该地区以前未成年州的州陷入了重点342,000平方英里的工作。即使没有发生扩张,JE Dunn仍然会将其收入扩大到今年在伊利诺伊州,印第安纳州,密歇根州,密苏里州,俄亥俄州和威斯康星州今年的3.772亿美元,而上一年的收入为3.493亿美元,而在“ 8%”中增长了8%的增长。中西部地区。扩大的区域范围可更准确地了解了公司的工作,并显示了杰德·邓恩(Je Dunn)的区域和国家参与者(总收入为32亿美元)。兰斯福德说,转变为更具参与的企业文化是造成成功的原因。


Top Tech Contractor

The transition is ongoing. and it hasn’t always been easy. John Jacobs, chief innovation officer, has led the company’s embrace of construction-side technology and has been responsible for the development of tools such as Dunn Dashboard, the company’s extranet-based project accounting and estimation tool that Jacobs calls a “single source of truth” for model-based cost information on more than 400 JE Dunn projects.

“We see our technology commitment as a huge differentiator,” Lansford says. “We also recognize that differentiators have a shelf life. People are close behind us. We are looking for what is that next differentiator with an eye on building faster, better, cheaper. That’s what our clients want.”

Another in-house-developed tool, JE Dunn Lens, creates a data layer on top of an architect’s Revit model and has been used on more than 30 JE Dunn projects to show clients and design professionals exactly what changes will cost and how they will affect estimates and budgets.

A visual look at how design changes affect a project at the earliest stages can create a better relationship between architect and contractor, Jacobs says. Development of Lens required staff from Jacobs’ 36-person team to work with Autodesk and Microsoft programmers to create the tool and integrate it with Revit.

“A lot of the technology and process advances are on the front side, design planning and collaboration,” Lansford says. “We have to find a way to better use technology for … the actual construction of our projects. It’s not just technology, either, it’s means and methods. We all talk about lean construction, prefabrication and the like. We and other leaders in our industry have to figure out ways to make that talk reality because the labor shortage is only going to get worse.”

JE Dunn has undertaken initiatives to train, retain and empower skilled labor, but Lansford says he would like to make more progress on the people side of the equation. He explains that the contractor is interested in working with trade partners who think more like manufacturers and builders and take prefabrication and lean construction to a higher level than is currently possible on most projects.


JE Dunn使整个组织的熟练劳动力更快地访问其医疗保健计划,并进行了少量的变化,这使每个获得薪水的工人获得了公司的电子邮件地址并访问Intranet门户网站,并遇到了工人的积极反馈。


That focus also means communicating more often with clients using tools such as Lens and Dunn Dashboard. The contractor used its Lens tool on the first phase of a 12-year master plan for the new headquarters of Kansas City-based Cerner Corp., a provider of health care technology services.

Features of Cerner’s Innovations Campus designed by architect Gould Evans reflect the company’s values and the health care information technology industry itself. The facility’s windows were modeled after the double-helix structure associated with strands of human DNA.

“Neighborhood nodes” within the office spaces each feature their own personalities to help software engineers focus, innovate and create better solutions. Various features in the nodes include a library, gaming area, think tank and maker space for more hands-on creative pursuits.

JE Dunn’s project team used Lens in collaboration with Cerner executives to visualize cost impacts by creating a visual tie between the estimate and the virtual model.

“我很高兴与(JE Dunn)合作,而我们不愿意灵活就无法实现这一目标,”执行副总裁兼COO的COO迈克·尼尔(Mike Nill)说。

Both office and government/public service buildings were strong markets for JE Dunn. The $310-million restoration of the Minnesota State Capitol, set to reopen in August, was a particularly difficult historic preservation challenge. The building is on the National Register of Historic Places but suffered from serious water damage in its lower areas. It also needed a new roof, exterior repairs and restoration work of its interior marble and plaster that would preserve the features of the 1905 Cass Gilbert design. The lack of skilled local subcontractors came into play on the project. This is where Lansford sees better construction technology and collaboration with trade contractors helping on future projects.

“We have done prefabrication but we want to look at other areas where we can do it even more—where our trade partners can take more of their scope of work off site, integrate their technology and their lean means and methods with ours,” Lansford says. “We see a lot of value to our clients in working with really forward-thinking trade partners.”

Going forward, Lansford sees the company keeping its traditional values but also adapting to new methods of communication and construction delivery.

“Our strategic direction hasn’t changed but we are further into the process and we are starting to see more benefit from it,” Lansford says. “Three generations of Dunn family leadership built a great company based in our core values—particularly integrity, caring for our people, doing the right thing and investing in our communities. That will always be part of who we are. We are tweaking that culture, not changing it.