
ODOT及其公私合作伙伴是建筑公司和名为Portsmouth Gateway Group的建筑公司和私人开发商的联盟,正在建造一个16英里,四车道,4.29亿美元的汇总港口。这项工作现在被称为俄亥俄州退伍军人纪念高速公路/823号州际公路,是ODOT的第一个主要P3,也是州历史上最大的单一道路建设项目。当地官员希望该项目将允许附近的城市之间快速访问,这也将促进发展。


50 Years of Planning

With a population around 20,300, Portsmouth is not a bustling metropolis like Cleveland or Cincinnati. Its population has steadily declined since the 1940s, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Both the Scioto and Ohio rivers have carved valleys near Portsmouth. Hilly, mostly sandstone terrain and thick forests make it difficult to get anywhere in the vicinity without traversing a network of winding, two-lane back roads.

It’s no surprise that the area remains largely undeveloped.

“Basically, the No. 1 issue we have right now is the lack of available, usable sites for buildings for economic development purposes,” says Jason Kester, development director for the Portsmouth-based Southern Ohio Port Authority. “We have either hellacious brownfield or floodplains, side of a hill sites or cornfields with no gas, water or fiber-optic access.”

The highway team hopes to change that. “This project is about getting travel in and out of Appalachia fast and efficiently,” says Tom Barnitz, ODOT’s project manager for the SOVMH. “In the 1960s, the federal government put together the Appalachian Development Highway System. They mapped out corridors that were economically disadvantaged, like Scioto County, to urban areas. This is literally the last part of the ADHS in Ohio.”


ODOT第9区发言人凯瑟琳·富勒(Kathleen Fuller)说:“我们从多个来源收到了钱,我们只是无法保证或保证第二阶段和第三阶段的时间表。”“这是一种将其作为一个单一项目出售并立即完成的方式。”


The P3 Plan

The Portsmouth Gateway Group—a consortium that includes Dragados USA Inc., Beaver Excavating Co., John R. Jurgensen Co., ms Consultants, ACS Infrastructure Development, Infrared Capital Partners Limited and Star America Fund GP—won the project over two other bidders in 2013. Construction began two years later. The PGG fully embraced the one-stage project and set a five-year design and construction timeline for completion.

“Sometimes when a project is done in stages there’s different designs that are not properly balanced,” says Hugo Fontirroig, project manager for Dragados USA. “They are only balanced partially for that stage. From a design standpoint, taking into account the massive excavation required, it actually makes the project much more cost effective, doing it as one project.”

设计建造合同的P3合同规定,PGG必须为初始建设提供资金,并以4.29亿美元的价格建造道路。但是,国家资金将随着时间的推移偿还任何贷款,利息和相关费用。PGG还将负责在2053年之前维持这条道路,因此,ODOT在维护合同期间,该项目的总成本可能会达到12亿美元。只有完全遵守一组严格的要求才能为建筑,操作和维护提供全额付款。合同结束时,PGG将在2052 - 2053年将道路返回ODOT时,有一个为期两年的交换合规性。

PGG首席执行官Bill Maddex说:“当ODOT将合同放在一起时,我们抛出了规格书,并基本上在整个投资回收期中撰写了基于绩效的规格。”“与其标准施工规格,我们的道路标准平稳性仅为该项目编写,(PGG)将需要每月满足该项目。如果道路的平稳性存在缺陷,我们将看到付款的扣除。”

Maddex adds that the project has unique “performance-based specifications for everything from MSC walls to signage to graffiti, litter, debris in the road and all types of those asset descriptors written into the contract.”


Sandstone Hills and Deep Valleys

Designed to minimize environmental impact and maximize land for business development, the selected route provided significant hurdles for PGG. The quick-access corridor for motorists came with a major trade-off: a requirement to remove 20 million cu yd of earth composed of 95% rock.

“It’s a tremendous challenge in terms of topography and the massive size of the cuts we have had to make,” says Neil Richards, vice president and construction quality manager with design engineer HDR. “The normal thought process would be to take the least-challenging path, from a constructibility standpoint, with the topography you have, but the idea of the Appalachian Development Highway System is you want to maximize the available land area for economic development.”

Beaver’s project manager Chad Ratkovich said that about 17 million of the 20 million cu yd have been removed to date and that they are on schedule to open the road to the public in December 2018. The excavation has required multiple daily shifts a day removing rock and using it for infill on other parts of the project.

What About Jobs?


Purecycle Technologies是聚丙烯产品的回收室,正在计划该地区的化学工艺工厂。一位Purecycle高管表示,该公司投资决定的主要因素是,高速公路将使俄亥俄州的Ironton到哥伦布14分钟。

The Southern Ohio Port Authority intends to enter into a preliminary development agreement with another company to construct a 150,000-sq-ft building at the airport exit of the SOVMH. Southern Ohio Port Authority’s Kester says that construction could begin next spring, depending on the results of a feasibility study.

Beaver Excavating’s Ratkovich says his company has plans to keep operations in the area, thanks to other nearby work it has won.

Despite these development inroads, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) and the Frontier Group labelled the SOVMH a “highway boondoggle” in 2016, arguing that the money could have been better spent on Ohio’s deficient bridges or on other projects ranked higher on a list created by the Ohio Transportation Review Advisory Council.

“How much did Cleveland just get for the technology corridor?” Kester asks. “Cleveland has problems, we have problems. It does no good to diminish one community’s problems for the benefit of the other. Government shouldn’t pick winners and losers, but at the end of the day, there simply was not enough money to go around for everything and this project was ready to go with a short construction timeline and a long payback period.”



To contend with mass quantities of data, quality oversight consultant CH2M developed the CH2Mobile Construction Quality Records System to document and track whether the observed work conforms to the requirements in the contract, says Bryan Parsell, CH2M’s construction services project manager.

“Quality means compliance to the written requirement. It is difficult to claim something’s nonconforming unless you can point to a contract requirement and provide objective evidence that the work does not conform,” he adds.

Inspectors equipped with mobile forms containing all construction requirements can quickly filter through thousands of requirements to obtain those applicable to the work currently being observed. Photos are the key source of documentation. The tool automatically logs and tracks nonconforming work issues when identified. Personnel can use a tablet or even their phones to collect data, including marked-up photos with stations and offsets. Upon submission, the information gets saved to the cloud and sent to a secure CH2M server in Denver. The mobile data collection system works online or offline, but that is never an issue because the project is equipped with a 16-mile solar-powered Wi-Fi network.


无论是QC表格,要求的验证还是检查员每日报告,资产都可以搜索。资产源自项目时间表。SR 823项目中大约有1,400个活动。其中约有900个直接转化为名词或资产,例如“桥梁20,前桥翼墙”。由于所有捕获的数据都是相对于资产的,并且在地图上提供了对信息的访问,因此用户可以在施工期间或在整个操作和维护期间搜索和恢复数据,无论其对项目的熟悉程度如何。
