英国政府公司High Speed 2 Ltd.于7月17日任命了七项合同的获奖者,价值86亿美元,涵盖了190公里的高速铁路线,名为HS2,该工程将在伦敦和伯明翰之间提供服务。建设将于2019年开始,第一列火车定于2026年。

Among the biggest winners is the joint venture between London-based Balfour Beatty Group Ltd. and units of Vinci Group, Paris. The team secured two contracts totalling $3.3 billion for the line's northern third. Other continental European winners include France's Bouygues Group and Eiffage Group, and Austria-based Strabag A.G.

The contracts cover design and preparatory work on the line lasting about one year. Contracts are then expected to be converted to full construction, when the project will employ up to 16,000 people, according to government forecasts.