The third time could be the charm for Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley's push to get state legislators to support a 200-MW offshore wind project. Passage of enabling legislation now appears likely as the primary statehouse opponent of two past efforts has exited a key committee.

Two bills introduced in the House of Delegates and state Senate on Jan. 28 are substantially identical to legislation that was blocked in the Senate Finance Committee by Sen. Anthony Muse. With his departure, the committee's chairman, Sen. Thomas Middleton (D), says the bill has enough votes to clear the panel. O'Malley (D) said on Jan. 29 that 24 Maryland senators are co-sponsors, enough for passage. The House approved the bill last year by a 2-1 margin.

The legislation would support a wind farm off the Maryland coast using offshore-wind renewable-energy credits. Utilities would be required to purchase enough credits to supply 2.5% of the state's energy. The Maryland Public Service Commission could approve projects that limit residents' added cost to $1.50 on average and non-residential customer's cost to 1.5% of current bills.

奥马利说,州合作对推动风项目很重要,上个月指出了特拉华州州长杰克·马克尔(D)。18luck官网大西洋风连接首席执行官罗伯特·米切尔(Robert Mitchell)上个月宣布合同建立了中大西洋海底传输电缆的第一站,以支持海上风发电,他说他希望马里兰州的立法能够通过。

马里兰州塔科马公园(Takoma Park)Chesapeake气候行动网络董事Mike Tidwell告诉ENR,O'Malley的法案是“旨在启动该行业”。新利luck他指出缺乏联邦标准,他说,各州必须向前发展发展(请参见Story,第10页)。蒂德威尔说,马里兰州,新泽西州和开普风项目的努力“将向市场表明这是下一件大事。”