
今年,美元扩大到包括近2 billion of revenue performed in Hawaii, producing a regional total of $37.9 billion.

该地区排名最高的公司Swinerton Inc.的收入为23亿美元,这是第一家超过近20年历史的调查中200亿美元门槛的公司。该公司总裁兼首席运营官埃里克·福斯特(Eric Foster)表示,专注于多户住房,医疗保健,教育和可再生能源等红色热门部门,Swinerton希望在2017年的结果中,如果不是更好,如果不是更好,则该公司的结果是相似的。他说:“在过去的几年中,我们已经使我们的业务线路多样化,重点是真正增强我们的自我表现能力。”

新利luckEnr California 2017顶级承包商

Survey respondents reported a nearly 50% jump in multifamily residential revenue, totaling $4.9 billion in 2016. Los Angeles has been a peak market, with a first wave of projects delivered in the past six months. “An even larger second wave of product will be delivered over the next 24 to 36 months, with a third wave on the horizon that is still in planning and entitlements,” says Mike Concannon, general manager of Los Angeles for Lendlease.


With multiple megaprojects in the region being funded and greenlit, both in the private and public sectors, contractors have had to look at new ways to staff and manage the backlog. “In my 32 years in the California market, I’ve never seen a scenario where general contractors and subcontractors are developing joint [ventures] and tri-ventures in order to deliver these mammoth projects,” says Jim Madrid, executive vice president with McCarthy Building Cos.

SUNDT高级副总裁兼加州地区经理丹尼尔·杜姆克(Daniel Dumke)说,这些大型18luck官网项目的追求和采购可能是“昂贵,冒险和吸收的大量智力资本”。此外,“从估计到预构建到建筑和运营,人和分包商的可用性正在成为我们追求某些项目的能力的限制因素,这些项目原本是毫无疑问的“ go”。18luck官网


Contractors are also looking to begin developing talent at ever- younger ages. For example, Millie and Severson “participates in several activities each year, including the ACE Mentor Program as well as career fairs at local middle schools, high schools and colleges,” says John Grossman, the firm’s senior vice president.