
The early adopter market is becoming the mainstream market.EV销售额增长102%for June 2017, and automakers continue to respond to demand with market commitments. Volvo Car Corp. announced that all of its models launched after 2019 will be either electric or hybrids, Volkswagen AG is targeting 25% EV sales by 2025 and Toyota Motor Corp. will not sell any fossil fuel vehicles after 2050. The energy implications of a booming EV market are staggering. In 2014, the U.S. population drove 251 million cars. If we electrify half of those cars, vehicles alone will demand 688 terawatt-hours of electricity, equal to 18% of total U.S. electricity consumption in 2015.

The pressing question is how the power supply will meet this rising demand and fulfill the promise of the EV revolution. This will require the industry to support three initiatives:

1。Predict change and then act on the prediction.Demand leads supply, so it is critical to anticipate the number of EV adopters, the location and timing of adoption and which urban settings and transportation corridors will require charging infrastructure to meet EV demand. With this insight, utilities can evaluate specific distribution lines and plan for upgrades. Regulators can prioritize approaches to help finance upfront capital costs where the grid infrastructure is deficient. Technology integrators keeping pace with emerging technologies and approaches can design energy solutions for areas where sufficient power does not exist.

公用事业公司已经提出了这些预测。萨克拉门托市公用事业区和黑色&veatch最近研究了2030年在路上包括240,000 eV的分布式能源(DER)情景。他们发现没有负载管理,平均,高达17%(12,000)的服务变压器,平均估计成本为7,400美元,可能需要更换,因为主要与EV增长相关联。该评估允许SMUD计划并响应不断变化的条件。


探讨DER对电网的影响,黑色和戒备和太阳能电力协会进行的采访五大U.S.公用事业。为了响应越来越多的DER互连请求,这些实用程序开始与演示阶段DER探索主动管理。一个实用程序已映射了所有客户级的DER安装,并测试了进料器自动分区保护计划,以提高各种负载/ DEL方案下的可靠性。通过大局,公用事业可以在未来维护可靠的电力,随着负载和变量的需求。

3.Bust Siloes for Cross-Industry Collaboration。每个行业的利益相关者可以积极influence the pace of EV adoption, the deployment of charging infrastructure, energy management and the provision of grid power. With collaboration, decision-makers can establish stakeholder participation rules and incentives so that the EV charging network reflects site-specific approaches and the larger program goals. In particular, collaboration of regulators and legislators is critical: either they can facilitate EV adoption, private investment and new revenue for the utilities or they can create barriers that stunt EV market growth. With cross-industry participation, technology integrators can unify planning and deployment across stakeholders and systems; balance competing interests among stakeholders; and ultimately establish operation, policy and technology platforms that prepare the U.S. grid for mass adoption of EV.

Paul Stith is director of strategy and innovation at Black & Veatch. He builds solution sets and expands the business ecosystem with established and emerging technology partners. He has experience collaborating with utilities, supporting sustainable transportation, energy storage, and analyzing key policies. He co-wrote the whitepaper, Priming the United States Grid for High-Powered Electric Vehicle Charging, which he will present to an international audience at the EVS30 Symposium in October 2017.