总部位于芝加哥的风发开发商Invenergy和GE Reenwable Energy上个月公开了在俄克拉荷马州的2,000兆瓦风电场的建设开始,现成的是美国最大的,并且是世界第二大。

就在此消息之前,西南电力(SWEPCO)和俄克拉荷马州的公共服务公司(两项是美国电力公司电力公司(AEP))所说,他们将支付45亿美元的风接捕获器项目及其专用的额外额外费用- 电压电源线,该电源线将从俄克拉荷马州Panhandle到塔尔萨350英里。Swepco将投资32亿美元,并拥有该项目的70%,其同行公用事业投资13亿美元。预计该风电场将于2020年中期上线,Invenergy将运行五年。路易斯安那州的监管机构简化了规则,以允许该计划继续前进,但他们和德克萨斯州,阿肯色州和俄克拉荷马州监管机构一旦建设完成,就必须批准购买场。

The wind power is expected to save utility customers $7 billion over 25 years, AEP said. The Ohio firm “is moving to a cleaner energy future, driven by new technologies,” said CEO Nicholas Akins. It plans to add another 7,300 MW of new renewable-energy sources to its portfolio through 2030. AEP operates in 11 states and owns more transmission lines, including high voltage, than any other U.S. utility.

为了在2017年下降之前最大程度地利用联邦生产税收抵免,项目建设于去年12月开始。在施工期间,该项目每年将支持4,000个直接工作。该公司表示,它将从800台GE涡轮机发电,每台2.5 MW,旨在提高选址效率并允许更高的能源生产和更可靠性。

Invenergy will hire multiple specialty contractors to work on the project, says Patrick Whitty, the developer’s chief of staff. Blattner Energy, Avon, Minn., has worked on the project’s civil infrastructure since October. Contractors for remaining scopes have not yet been secured. Layout and micro-siting have begun, as have engineering studies and preliminary electrical design, Whitty told ENR. Invenergy will manage EPC work.

AEP选择了休斯敦的Quanta Services,为单电路,高压电源线和两个变电站提供EPC。投资者关系副总裁Kip Rupp说,765KV线的合同是有史以来最大的项目奖。电力线的建设定于2018年底开始。“ Quanta在北美建造了比任何其他专业承包商建造的高压电动传输基础设施,”他说。该奖项引发了投资者的利息,因为它没有反映在Quanta 8月3日宣布的季度业绩中,该业绩显示,自上季度以来,总积压为92亿美元,下降了6%,减少了1%。瑞士信贷行业分析师杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)表示,该奖项“有助于为Quanta的电动传输业务提供多年的可见性。”

建造began this year on Quanta’s previously largest contract, the Ft. McMurray West 500-kV line in Alberta, valued at just under $1 billion, says Rupp. Further, the firm is working with Eversource, one of New England’s largest energy providers, on an undisclosed-value proposal, submitted in July to Massachusetts, for a 192-mile high-voltage line to transport hydroelectric power to the U.S. from Canada, with a total project value of $1.6 billion.