

The contest is open to all of our picture-taking readers — individuals and firms, amateurs and pros. In some years we have gotten more than 1,500 submissions, although we have been running the contest long enough to see that the sheer number of entries tends to rise and fall a bit with the economic fortunes of the industry.



Photographers are invited to submit their best construction photos taken anywhere in the world between Nov. 19, 2016 and Nov. 18, 2017. We want dynamic, well-composed and aesthetically pleasing photos; but please do not submit photos showing unsafe conditions or behavior.

The winning photos will be published in a 2017 ENR Photo Contest Winners Gallery in the Jan. 8/15, 2018 issue, as well as in a winners gallery online. Click here to see去年的获奖者画廊

Deadline for submissions is Nov. 18, 2017!

Click here to enter now!