Even as hard-hit areas of two of the country’s most developed regions push for normalcy after back-to-back hurricanes in early September, policymakers and construction industry experts are weighing the longer-term implications of the damage in Houston, Florida and the Caribbean from Harvey, Irma and now Maria—and how and whether infrastructure resiliency can be accelerated and how that will affect coastal development.

“Our infrastructure is aging and deteriorating. That makes situations worse,” says Mark Abkowitz, director of the Vanderbilt University Center for Environmental Management Studies. “It will be difficult to make urban areas more resilient to flooding. In some ways we have our hands tied behind our backs because we’ve allowed development along the coast to occur. We’re going to have to chip away at this problem.”

Samuel Brody, director of the Center for Texas Beaches and Shores at Texas A&M University, noted in a 2011 book he co-authored on development and flood risk that Florida came out ahead of Texas in terms of soil, geography and planning for climate change. “We generally found Florida is better prepared and in a situation to address flooding problems, which showed up in per capita flood loss during our study period,” he says.

哈维飓风’s catastrophic rainfall could be a game changer.

The lessons learned from the 40-in.-average rainfall in Houston, which peaked at 52 in., and subsequent flooding will be a guidepost for every urban area in the world that is experiencing more frequent torrents, says Edgar Westerhof, national director of flood risk and resiliency for Arcadis North America. Rather than on 100-year and 500-year events, the focus should be on “how your urban environment functions during these kind of extremes,” he says, with smarter watershed planning. Westerhof and others advocate more natural systems and flood-zone risk education.

The storm may be the tipping point to move Texas to a more holistic approach to water management. For years, the state has been studying options for a coastal protection scheme after the near miss of Hurricane Ike in 2008, but leaders have been unable to move forward and largely eschewed a region-wide approach to water management.




佛罗里达州也面临巨大的挑战。当艾尔玛(Irma)对波多黎各(Puerto Rico)的身分下降时,美国陆军工程兵团密切追踪了其进步,风和奥基乔比湖(Lake Okeechobee)的预计风暴潮和海拔高度,以确定围绕143英里泥土的赫伯特·胡佛·胡佛(Herbert Hoover Dike)的风险区域。工程师还对堤防和介词检查团队进行了彻底检查,并根据需要提供。

On Sept. 5, the Corps began a pre-storm drawdown of water in Lake Okeechobee—as much as 4,000 cu ft per second west to the Caloosahatchee Estuary and 1,800 cfs eastward to the St. Lucie. The lake stage then was 13.67 ft, below the 15.5-ft elevation that triggers increased surveillance, and Irma’s track forecast cone was still very broad, but the threat to Florida was clear.


- 马克·阿布科维茨(Mark Abkowitz),Vanderbilt University

Experience with Irma has validated the caution.

9月18日,湖泊的湖泊负责人卡罗尔·伯恩斯坦(Carol Bernstein)在新闻发布会上说,该湖的处于15.5英尺,上升。工程部负责人Laureen Borochaner补充说,高程触发者增加了监视和检查频率,因为工程师预计渗漏和管道增加,尤其是在已知的堤防点上增加。

On Sept. 17, inflow to Lake Okeechobee was 36,000 cfs and had added 0.16 ft to the lake’s elevation in the previous 24 hours. Conservative inspection indicates the elevation could reach 16.5 or 17 ft. “At the current rate of inflow, if there is no more rain, the level will reach its peak within two weeks,” she said.

The dike has been the focus of an active rehabilitation program to replace control structures and install cutoff walls, Bernstein said. Construction has been completed on 21.4 miles of the cutoff wall, and 35 miles remain to be built. Completion is scheduled for 2025.

While Jacksonville, Fla. did not suffer a direct hit from Irma, two neighborhoods suffered severe flooding. In one, the Riverside area, “you had high water that people had not seen in a very long time, maybe more than 25 years,” says Christopher Brown, associate professor of civil engineering at the University of North Florida. “I think the city would have to consider things like floodwalls along portions of Riverside.”

He cites their effectiveness in other cities such as St. Louis, which has a 50-ft-tall wall. A 5- to 10-ft wall would work for Jacksonville, Brown contends. “There could be a combination of walls, floodwalls, pump stations and maybe even a levee,” he adds.


New Options

Meanwhile, cities, utilities and construction professionals are scrambling to recover and be ready for the next big one—in this still unfolding hurricane season and others in the future.

休斯顿市长西尔维斯特·特纳(Sylvester Turner)于9月14日任命前壳牌石油公司总裁马文·奥杜姆(Marvin Odum)担任该市首席恢复官。特纳说,他希望卡特里娜飓风过后壳牌康复的领导人奥杜姆(Odum)建议大胆的举动休斯顿(Houston)为下一场暴风雨做好准备。

同样,哈里斯县行政县法官埃德·埃米特(Ed Emmet)表示,所有选择都在桌上改善快速增长地区的洪水控制。目前,该地区侧重于计划阶段的恢复和排水项目。18luck官网

County road crews worked 24/7 shifts to repair in daysan inundated highway那个正常的会花费数周的时间。

德克萨斯州州长格雷格·雅培(Greg Abbott)(R)还成立了一个工作队,以确定如何重建由德克萨斯州A&M大学校长约翰·夏普(John Sharp)领导的国家。德克萨斯州设计公司Freese&Nichols董事长Bob Pence说:“我们正在努力在工作队面前提供以前的计划和需求的投入。”返回操作。


– Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, Army工程师兵团指挥官

To restore power that was lost to as many as 7.8 million Southeast customer accounts,utilities have mustered thousands of workersand implemented strategies for hardening that they learned from their Northeast peers during Superstorm Sandy in 2012.

Daniel P. McQuade, AECOM Group construction services president, says “one of the most critical enablers of a faster and more effective recovery from storms such as Harvey and Irma is thorough preparation of active construction sites.”

他说工作人员降低了塔式起重机的部分expedited concrete pours of all open decking on its sites. Even so,partial collapses occurredat three south Florida tower sites not linked to the firm.

Jamie Cook, construction sector analyst for Credit Suisse, says most investor calls to the firm last week focused on financial impacts on public firms and their projects in storm-affected areas. She said affected firms “have the abilityto declare a不可抗力event对于目前正在建设的项目的命名风暴。”18luck官网预报全球洞察力预测,这两种风暴总计至少3000亿美元的经济影响。

"Immediate impacts from the storms could include unscheduled downtime, and perhaps an uptick in FEMA orders. Expectations regarding the medium term (6-9 months) should be managed, however, as true reconstruction will probably not commence in earnest until insurance recoveries start to trickle in, said Brent Thielmann, construction sector analyst for D.A. Davidson Co. in a Sept. 19 investors' note. "The long term impact of the storms will be felt for years, but will be difficult to differentiate from fundamental demand, particularly in Houston, which is already the nation’s largest homebuilding market. Short-term E&C and heavy materials suppliers operating in these regions will see negative impacts, although interestingly no companies reduced annual guidance."

一些能量点观察者预测了更多project start delaysin the hard-hit Gulf Coast region.

哈里斯县洪水管制运营总监马特·泽夫(Matt Zeve)表示,该县正在与联邦,州和地方机构合作,以确保金钱来修复风暴损失,并为10亿美元的资本改善项目提供了一些积压,现在仅以6000万美元的价格进步18luck官网一年,其中一些与工程兵团相关。Zeve说,代理商还正在制定一项全面的买断计划,以购买一再淹没或在高风险地区的房屋。他说,这项工作可能包括对不愿房主的收购。

联邦assistance and funding will be critical in providing relief, recovery and reconstruction assistance to Texas, Florida and other areas hit by the still-unfolding stream of hurricanes.

“We have always designed ourselves to be able to meet two of these disasters and do them at once, and I think FEMA prides itself on doing the same. But when you throw three or four together, that’s when you have to be very innovative,” Army Corps of Engineers Commander Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite told ENR in an interview Sept. 19.

He says the Corps has deployed 350 people to Harvey-affected areas, and now has 122 in the U.S. Virgin islands awaiting Hurricane Maria, “riding through a Cat 5 storm only because we know … we have to respond very fast when it comes to power generation, temporary roofs and debris removal.”


该立法还将洪水保险计划扩展到12月8日;authorization had been set to expire on Sept. 30. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) said in a Sept. 10 TV interview that Congress will take up a second disaster relief bill in mid-October and Tom Bossert, Trump’s homeland security adviser, told reporters in a Sept. 11 White House briefing that one or two additional follow-up measures could follow.


With all plans implemented, Harris County’s Zeve said that he expects flooding would be lessened in the event of a major rainfall, but not completely eliminated. “Engineers can do anything, but no engineering criteria is designed for 40 inches of rain,” he says. Houston is drained by hundreds of creeks and several bayous. Ditches, roads and highways are designed to carry runoff to those creeks. But over the years, development in Houston and Harris County has left fewer and fewer places for the water to go.

“At what point do engineering ethics require you to speak out when a client refuses to acknowledge that climate change is happening?”

- 吉姆·布莱克本(Jim Blackburn),赖斯大学工程教授

“It’s just taking water off your property and putting it somewhere else, and there are fewer somewhere elses,” says Vanderbilt’s Abkowitz, also a professor of civil and environmental engineering. “It’s basically promoting flooding.”

Development also fragments natural drainage systems and has covered prairie land that could absorb as much as 11 in. of water within the first hour of a rainfall, says Texas A&M’s Brody.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers, former Corps of Engineers commander and now a now senior advisor at Dawson & Associates, says a lot will hinge on whether Houston can gain money from Congress up front like New Orleans did after Hurricane Katrina.

休斯顿的弹性总监斯蒂芬·科斯特洛(Stephen Costello)说:“既然我们已经举办了圣经活动,其中很多是围绕资金而围绕资金,您可以真正发挥创造力。”


休斯顿可能重新审视典章,criteria for parcel development. The city is responsible for water from rooftops to bayous. In 2010, it implemented a program to upgrade drainage infrastructure and roads. Costello says there is only so much the city can do. The drainage basin, the area’s creeks and bayous, are managed by the county flood district.

Additionally, two Corps of Engineers reservoirs built in the 1940s, Addicks and Barker, proved inadequate during Harvey and the Corps had to release water into neighborhoods to prevent worse flooding and potential dam failure.

“You are never going to be able to bring risk to zero,” says Corps chief Semonite. “These reservoirs were built around 70 years ago, to be able to handle a certain load. This particular storm far exceeded what was ever in those reservoirs in the past. ” He adds that “you have to manage the risk to figure out what … governments can afford when it comes to flood control, and compliment that through zoning, smart development, insurance programs and all those other pieces.”


The county has a no-impact policy that prevents Houston from building projects that will add more water to the bayou. Yet a 2016 report that examined Houston’s 2010 “Rebuild Houston” program to improve drainage and roads says that the city’s construction of below-grade roads to carry stormwater to the bayous is having an impact.



Jim Blackburn, co-director of the Severe Storm Prediction, Education and Evacuation from Disaster Center at Rice University in Houston and a professor of civil and environmental engineering, suggests that until the standards are changed to reflect the most recent storms, engineers should look to the 500-year flood standard. But even then, he says, the onus is on engineers to look beyond standards when designing new infrastructure and buildings.

“A Texas engineer’s first obligation is to protect the public. At what point do engineering ethics require you to speak out when a client refuses to acknowledge that climate change is happening,” he says. “At what point do you refuse to design to an old standard that has repeatedly shown to be inadequate?”


帕姆·拉德克·罗素(Pam Radtke Russell)和黛布拉·鲁宾(Debra K.