

In a statement after the collapse, lead contractor Plaza Construction said, “Crane engineers and the crane supplier took measures to secure the crane. The crane’s boom was nevertheless damaged due to high winds.” The dangling jib was an issue for the city, which initially refused to lift an evacuation order for two nearby buildings. Plaza Construction on Sept. 18 confirmed to ENR that the jib was secured and the order lifted.

John Moriarty & Associates is the lead contractor on Vice, a 31-story tower where another crane partially collapsed. Like the GranParaiso, damage appeared to be limited to the construction site.

The Fort Lauderdale crane was on the site of the Auberge Beach Residences & Spa. Lead contractor Moss Construction told ENR that the crane is contained within the site, and, as of Sept. 14, “there is no damage to the tower structure and power has been restored.” Moss now is working with the crane engineers to develop a removal plan.

在所有三种情况下,看来起重机的塔段都在很大程度上没有损坏,并且出现了起重机塔上方的故障。总部位于纽约市的起重机钻机专家Crane Management的首席执行官Patrick Tarrant表示,这可能会加快起重机的恢复,因为完整的塔楼可以重复使用。他告诉Enr说:“工程分析将需要三到四天,然后他们动员计划,需要一周至10天的时间才能删除受损的碎片。”新利luck“然后,如果结构上有声音,您可以在现有塔上重建起重机。”

随着清理的继续,重点转移到了防止崩溃的可能采取的措施。为大风准备塔架的起重机因制造和型号而异,但是如果起重机具有360°的通道,则通常会释放秋千制动器,并且允许起重机“天气预报”,在其转盘上自由旋转以与风对齐。据提供设备,技术和教育服务的工业培训技术总监迈克·帕内尔(Mike Parnell)表示,虽然这可以减少大风期间崩溃的机会,但没有起重机是为飓风设计的。他说:“今天没有起重机可以完全解释这种情况下发生的情况。”

Miami-Dade County has faced this issue before. A 2008 crane-safety ordinance would have required cranes to meet the ASTM B30.3 standard for crane safety, in addition to OSHA regulations and manufacturer instructions. The ordinance was struck down by a district court after a challenge by construction-industry groups, but Miami officials have said they are considering new options after Irma.

迈阿密市2区的迈阿密市专员肯·罗素(Ken Russell)说:“这一直是市区人们的焦虑。”“我们很幸运[起重机]落在正在建造的建筑物上,没有袭击任何周围的建筑物,没有人受到伤害。但是,可以肯定的是,作为一个城市,我们将来将研究这些起重机在暴风雨中如何处理的立法,法规和做法。”
