
The unanimous vote concluded months of conflict that pitted the city’s building trades unions, which supported the law, against developers, who have claimed that the early versions and final version of the law favor union construction workers and contractors and create obstacles to employing minority group members and day laborers.

该委员会是市政府的立法部门,纽约市通过其建筑部强制建筑安全。支持者说,这项名为Intro 1447的新法律是对该市每年的建筑死亡总数的回应,从2007年到2014年达到20,近年来平均约有12个。


在投票开始的几周中,由于曼哈顿建筑项目的致命暴跌死亡,该问题更加紧迫。18luck官网最近的死亡是当不工会承包商雇用的43岁的胡安·乔尼洛(Juan Chonillo)在一个下层曼哈顿高层项目中丧生。

“We are not going to sit by as a legislative body and watch workers die," council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said at a press conference after the vote,

市长比尔·德·布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)和马克·维维利托(Mark-Viverito)将任命14名成员的现场安全工作组,所有这些工作组都必须拥有相关的建筑安全经验。小组将确定培训的内容。完成或已完成公认培训的工人将获得现场安全培训卡。


Nonunion workers are more likely to require fresh training to qualify—a potential expense for the workers if employers are unwilling to foot the bill.

New York Developers' Objections

John Banks, president of the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) wrote on the association's website, that as many as 120,000 workers “will be left at risk of not getting a contractor to pay for their training. With no sponsorship and insufficient public funding, these workers will need to pay for training out of their own pockets in order to keep working.”

According to the bill’s council sponsors, the new law allows workers to fulfill their training requirement by completing an alternative training program, such as an apprenticeship program—subject to approval by the city’s Dept. of Buildings.







An early version made the basic training requirement 59 hours, but the council scaled that back.

Developers Sought Fall-Protection Rules

The real estate developers, armed with their own analysis of accidents and fatalities, proposed as an alternative to safety training requirements a law requiring more thorough use of guardrails, safety netting and other steps designed to curtail deadly falls.



大纽约建筑和建筑贸易委员会主席加里·拉巴伯拉(Gary LaBarbera)说,根据新法律,在新规定生效之前,任何超过五年的工会安全培训都将要求工人采取复习课程。
