佐治亚州Power计划密切监视交付给Vogtle Project的CA20墙模块的质量。


On Sept. 17, the NRC announced a deal with the company that resolves two employment discrimination violations at Shaw Nuclear Services, later purchased by CB&I. One violation involved the firing of an employee who had raised concerns over reports of faulty rebar. While the agreement applies to all the contractor's nuclear facilities, it stems from an NRC-led investigation into practices at Shaw Modular Services (SMS), the former name of the Lake Charles site. Partnered with Westinghouse, CB&I is leading the construction of two nuclear expansion projects: the Plant Vogtle expansion in Waynesboro, Ga., and the V.C. Summer expansion for South Carolina Electric and Gas in Jenkinsville, S.C.

An NRC investigation revealed that, among other findings, 27% of Lake Charles workers feared retaliation for raising concerns over quality. In a letter sent to CB&I in April, the NRC stated it had determined that "a chilled work environment for raising and addressing safety concerns exists at SMS."

In response to the NRC, CB&I President and CEO Philip Asherman stated, "Considerable work needs to be done to correct the culture at Lake Charles."



The quality of product coming out of Lake Charles, which produces submodules for the CA20 auxiliary buildings planned for the Georgia and South Carolina projects, also has been a concern at the Vogtle site. Earlier this year, Vogtle's project monitor, William Jacobs, told state officials that Lake Charles "has not demonstrated the ability to fabricate high-quality CA20 submodules ... that meet the design requirements at a rate necessary to support the project schedule." According to Jacobs, an unspecified number of CA20 submodules were delivered to the Vogtle project with the wrong type of welds; they had to be reworked on-site.
