Sulaymaniyah 1,500-MW Combined-Cycle Power Plant

Lead Design FirmBechtel Overseas Corp.
承包商ENKA Insaat ve Sanayi A.S.
民间和结构工程师ENKA Insaat ve Sanayi A.S.
MEP工程师Bechtel Overseas Corp.
所有者’s EngineerAPPA Consult GmbH
汽轮机和发电机制造商General Electric

Fehmi Bayramoglu remembers very well the day of Aug. 6, 2014. Recalls the executive committee member of Turkish general contractor ENKA, “I was on the phone all day with the American Embassy,” the Kurdish Regional Government and General Electric.


The situation was tense. ISIS forces had seized Mosul, the largest city in northern Iraq, and were expanding their reach. While Sulaymaniyah is 140 miles away, Erbil is only 52 miles away. “At one point, ISIS was 200 meters from our work-camp perimeter. Our workers were extremely nervous. We had about 1,500 workers in each camp, and we were determined to protect them,” Bayramoglu says. He chartered 50 buses for each site and, with private security contractors, devised a plan to safely evacuate workers to the north, across the border into Turkey. From the Erbil site, he tried to keep abreast of conditions in the area before giving the go-ahead.

这项工作应该是常规的,因为Enka曾是两种简单细胞工厂的总承包商,从2007 - 08年开始建设。所有者Mass Group Holding Ltd.对Enka的表现感到满意。MGH是位于约旦安曼(Amman)的独立电力生产国,在美国领导的联合部队于2003年结束了萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)政权后,在库尔德斯坦看到了商机。

Following the dictator’s fall, the region slowly came to be regarded as the most secure region of Iraq. The road to prosperity has been bumpy, however, owing to the region’s chaotic history. During the final days of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988, Saddam unleashed chemical weapons on the Kurds, who bridled under the Ba’athist regime’s discrimination. Up to 5,000 Kurds, many of them women and children, died at Halabja in an attack on March 16, 1988.

萨达姆(Saddam)声称伊朗是袭击的背后,但有大量的间接证据表明萨达姆(Saddam)和他的堂兄“化学阿里”·哈桑·哈桑·马吉德(Chemical Ali)哈桑·马吉德(Hassan al-Majid)是伊拉克北部发生袭击时的伊拉克军队指挥官。萨达姆伊拉克后的特别法庭裁定违反库尔德人的战争罪行,并于2010年被绞死。令许多库尔德人失望的是,萨达姆从未因哈拉比袭击而被指控。在1982年发生的暗杀企图失败后,他因在什叶派据点dujail命令大屠杀公民而被绞死。

Freed from Saddam’s iron-fisted rule, the Kurds have pushed for independence. (In a nonbinding referendum in late September, 92% of the vote was for independence.)


MGH was encouraged by ENKA’s relatively smooth construction of the single-cycle generation plants near Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. The Jordanian owner negotiated a new pair of engineer, procure and construct contracts with its Turkish contractor to convert both facilities to combined-cycle units. Work on the Erbil unit began first, in summer 2012, followed within a year by work at Sulaymaniyah.


ENKA hired Bechtel Overseas Corp. as project design engineer. The relationship was a mutually compatible one, as the firms had collaborated previously as joint venture partners. The U.S. company preferred to work remotely, having had over 50 employees killed in Iraq during 2003-04. Much of the design work was performed in Bechtel offices in Frederick, Md., and in India, says Nitin Gokhale, project engineer, currently based in Bechtel’s Reston, Va., office.



同步工厂的产出更多的考验ing. Demands on the grid are very fluid and sending power to Baghdad over 400-kv lines, required a full bypass on the steam side, says Gokhale. A 132-kv substation is a key component in balancing demand between Kurdistan and Baghdad but blackouts are not uncommon, he adds. While the Erbil and Sulaymaniyah plants help, the system still “needs a good deal of grid improvement,” Gokhale says.



Over the years ENKA has developed a reliable source of skilled workers from India. “They are very good,” Bayramoglu says. The Salmaniyah logged three-million worker-hours without a single lost-time incident and “when we looked at near-miss events, we saw that the Indian workers were five times safer than our Turkish workers.”

