尼日利亚铁路现代化项目附录1:阿布贾 - 卡杜纳
Abuja, Niger; Kaduna, Nigeria

所有者Nigeria Ministry of Transport
Lead Design FirmChina Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd.

虽然尼日利亚的整个1,300公里铁路将现代化,但185公里的阿布贾 - 卡杜纳项目是关键,因为它减少了工人的通勤时间,并增强了该国首都地区的经济,并创建了一个主要的货物沟。项目官员说,该项目提供了6,000个建筑工作,在运行时,将直接和间接地产生多达10,000个工作。

这条铁路是第一个在非洲西部Chinese construction standards, and judges noted the difficulty of numerous reviews by both Chinese and Western team members. Further, it is Nigeria’s first standard-gauge line to adopt continuous welded rail for a smoother ride, and it will feature advanced communications and signaling. Global sourcing of high-tensile steel, rail-and-track precision machinery, and other materials and equipment was challenging and required careful scheduling, says the submitter. Workers also faced terror and kidnap threats from Boko Haram. More than 4,000 local workers were trained to lay track, use bridge-erection equipment and understand railway operations, and a new training center was opened for future projects. Each station was designed to harmonize with its rural or urban surroundings.
