Bob&Renee Parsons领导力中心在南山营地

Key Players
女童子军 - 阿里佐纳仙人掌 - 松理事会公司
设计公司:Marlene Imirzian & Associates Architects
General Contractor:The Weitz Co.
Civil Engineer:Kland土木工程师
结构工程师:Bakkum Noelke Consulting Engineers


“校园内的每位社区成员和志愿者都赞叹不已,除了魔术之外,我们别无他法,”女童子军 - 阿里佐纳仙人掌 - 松理事会的一般行动高级助理Deb Esparza说。

The $16-million Parsons Leadership Center offers space for meetings and gatherings, including approximately 38,000 sq ft of new and renovated buildings.





A major contributor to the magic potion that the development and construction teams were able to employ through this project came directly from current and former Girl Scouts, Esparza says, including funding and construction development. She adds that current Girl Scouts donated all proceeds from cookie sales directly to the project for three years.

她说,更重要的是,前女童军在建筑师Marlene Imirzian&Associates建筑师和总承包商Weitz Co.担任领导职务。


Former Girl Scout Marlene Imirzian was hired to master plan and design the facility in 2010 as the recession took hold; the entire project was planned under a variety of funding scenarios.

But despite the obstacles, the Girl Scout organization acronym GIRL, which stands for go-getter, innovator, risk-taker and leader, influenced what Imirzian developed and proposed for the new facility.

“Every building was going to be a demonstration of how we build for the desert,” Imirzian says. “Why do we build a traditional roof where you want [to remove] the snow?”

Desert Rains


“Early on, we moved to the raised system so the desert floor could be protected and the animals could move and the water could move under these decks as it always had done,” she says.

设施一生中,高架,连接的甲板和高架小屋的总体规划将保护沙漠地板,但是挖掘大约300个小关键,而不会影响沙漠,这对总承包商Weitz Co.

Even though the site was in mostly untouched desert, the construction footprint was limited to the building’s footprint as much as possible.

“It was very tricky logistics-wise to get the caissons in,” says Samantha Vark, project engineer at Weitz.


Donations Go Forward

Although the project had a variable master plan in the concept phase, after a $5-million donation by Bob and Renee Parsons—the largest single donation in Girl Scouts history—the project was slated for a single phase. Construction was finished in 22 months in January 2017.

But even the Parsons’ donation and cookie sale proceeds were not enough to fully pay for the $16-million project.

The Weitz Co. donated substantial services and hosted two tournaments at a nearby golf course that raised $50,000. The firm also embraced project tours for donors and community stakeholders that became weekly events by the project’s end.

“When you can touch and feel a project, it is a lot easier to give than something you can’t see and experience,” says Samantha Pinkal, business development manager for Weitz.


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