Fishermen's Energy
Company officials say state regulators misinterpreted the cost of power produced by the planned project.

The developer of a 25-MW pilot offshore wind project, sited three miles from Atlantic City, N.J., plans to challenge state regulators’ unanimous decision on March 20 to deny it energy credits to support construction and financing costs.

The state's Board of Public Utilities (BPU) said the estimated $200-million project would need state subsidies, which would raise New Jersey ratepayers' power costs.


The project already has state permits to build.


“现在我们必须求助于法院给的意义the rule of law, which we believe will ultimately result in an approval of this project,” Paul Gallager, Fishermen’s Energy chief operating officer and general counsel, said in a March 21 statement.

The company soon will file an appeal in a New Jersey appellate court, according to North American Windpower, an industry publication.

州长克里斯•克里斯蒂(R)签署了从需求ent that the BPU promote the development of offshore wind through the use of tradable offshore-wind renewable-energy credits.

The New Jersey Energy Master Plan also supports offshore-wind power generation by calling for 1,100 MW to be developed.



新泽西州利率顾问的Stafanie Brand于去年7月签署了与该公司进行谈判的和解协议,她说这对纳税人有利。她说:“评价律师强烈不同意工作人员立场论文的主张,即该规定与州法律不一致。”

The requirements advocated by BPU staff would preclude the approval of any financeable project, Brand said.

The settlement set forth a reasonable, practical and legal way to incentivize offshore-wind projects as required by the law and the energy master plan, Brand said.

渔民的能源说,董事会基于对风电场的拒绝,其电力价格错误,渔民的能源说,每公里 /小时的能源为199.17美元。

该公司表示:“ BPU显然以$ 263/MWH的价格评估了该项目,这一数字不受记录的支持。”

公司首席执行官克里斯·维森曼(Chris Wissemann)表示,他希望BPU能够审查记录中的所有证据并批准该项目,该项目将创造400个就业机会,并在海上能源市场中保持州的竞争力。
