Two days after one of California’s most devastating wildfires began raging through Ventura and Santa Barbara counties on Dec. 4, Procore sent its approximately 700 Carpinteria-based employees home from the office campus.

“We were in the voluntary zone” for evacuation status, says Doug Madey, director of communications for Procore. “We said, ‘OK, the campus is closed.’ The next step was to make sure everyone was safe.”

Some employees did get evacuated from their homes and “were working from wherever they could,” says Madey, who spoke to ENR on Dec. 14 while working in a Los Angeles location. Wearing masks to filter out the smoky air, employees also hosted lunch for some of the 8,450 firefighters battling the Thomas fire and checked on the campus buildings.



Stantec美国西部执行副总裁埃里克·尼尔森(Eric Nielson)表示,该公司的地区办事处也暂时关闭。他在12月19日的电子邮件中写道:“我很高兴报告我们的办公室开放,我们的团队成员很安全。”“从私人开发商到市政当局,我们的许多客户都受到大火的深远影响,我们的团队正在动员,以支持整个西海岸的恢复工作。”

A spokesperson for the California Dept. of Transportation says the agency sees some damage in a few areas but adds that it’s too early to give details, as they are still assessing the damage. For now, state Route 33 remains closed during the day so crews can clear out debris and set backfires to mitigate the main fire.

文图拉县公共工程局运输总监戴维·弗里施(David Fleisch)说,官员们没有收到有关火灾相关损害或项目延迟的报道。他说,托马斯大火主要局限于私人财产。他补充说,大火是如此快速移动,它直接穿过道路区域,而不会破坏护栏,标志柱或任何桥梁。“大火移动得非常迅速。我们看到的是刷子燃烧了,但是树木仍在绿叶上站立。一部分是因为大火移动得如此之快,以至于燃烧了下面的刷子。”他说。

托马斯大火爆发后不久,在J. Paul Getty博物馆附近点燃了一场小火,该博物馆具有防火特征,例如120万平方英尺的石灰华石在钢筋混凝土墙壁上,屋顶上碎石和自动射击门。官员们告诉《纽约时报》,洒水装置用120万加仑的水浸泡了周围的土地,扑灭了雪球大火。