
The decision, issued on Jan. 22, adds a layer of uncertainty to the Obama-era rule, which has been stayed by a federal appeals court since 2015, but could now go into effect before the Trump administration has a chance to rescind and replace it, though that is unlikely.

“This decision may lead to some confusion in the coming days and weeks,” the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) said in a statement. “It’s conceivable that the 2015 rule could take effect in some states unless the courts, Congress or the agencies take action.”


The Waters of the U.S (WOTUS) rule was a joint regulation issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that sought to clarify which wetlands and streams were subject to federal regulatory jurisdiction, an issue that has been unclear following past Supreme Court rulings.

“总的来说,它为EPA和司法部造成了立即的困境,”水资源咨询公司Dawson&Associates的高级顾问Larry Liebesman说。“如果住宿保持生效,[特朗普政府]将在拟议的撤销和替换方面拥有更多的奢侈。”


In 2015, a U.S. District Court in North Dakota stopped the rule from going into effect in the 13 states that opposed it. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals later found that it had jurisdiction and issued a nationwide stay of the rule, which has remained in place.

The National Association of Manufacturers challenged that jurisdiction of the case before the high court, arguing that litigation of the rule belonged in the U.S. district courts.


In the Jan. 22 decision, written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the high court agreed that the clean water issues belong in district courts.



同时,利伯斯曼(Liebesman)建议那些根据《清洁水法》(Cleat Water Act)受监管的人研究在Wotus裁决之前有效的指导,与监管机构合作,并期望地方法院得到一些指导。