South Africa’s Cape Town—at nearly 4 million people, the country’s second-most populous city—could run out of water in the next three months if the current drought, the worst in 10 years, persists.

Municipal authorities put in place emergency measures on Jan. 18.

Mayor Patricia de Lille noted that, overall, the water level at six of the city’s water-supply dams have reached 28.1% and could hit 13.5% by April 21, dubbed Day Zero, when water taps are expected to shut. Residents will be rationed to 25 liters of water a day per person. Cape Town’s total daily water usage now is capped at 450 million liters.


估计有63%的水提供给开普敦used for domestic and industrial purposes, while 32% is taken up by irrigation; another 5% is directed to the towns of Stellenbosch, Paarl and Wellington and others in the West Coast and Swartland regions.

开普敦的西开普敦供水系统包括一系列水管,涡轮机和水 - 分布网络,并结合了六个水坝。在Sonderend河上,Theewaterskloof大坝是最大的大坝,容量为4.8亿立方米。


The city is implementing different components of a $62.2-million water conservation-and-demand management strategy, launched in 2008. At least seven water-supply projects—four desalination plants, two groundwater-abstraction initiatives and one water-recycling project—are in the pipeline to add 200 million liters per day to the existing water-supply capacity.