
马萨诸塞州州参议员琳达·多尔西纳·福里(Dorchester)是离开公职在成为萨福克郡东北地区多元化,包容性和社区关系的副总裁13年后。A Haitian-American and the lone black member of the state Senate, Dorcena Forry was first elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 2005 and won her Senate seat, which represents South Boston and Dorchester, in 2013. The seat was held by an Irish- 美国历史胜利之前数十年。

Dorcena Forry在1月25日发布的声明中说:“我的公共服务职业生涯的基础围绕创造机会和访问权限,并发表意见。added, “I am excited to begin the next chapter in my family’s story by joining Suffolk, an organization at the forefront of economic growth and social activism in Boston and nationally."



萨福克董事长兼首席执行官约翰·菲什(John Fish)在声明中说,该公司是“激动人心的琳达(Linda)加入了我们的团队,并将分享她对工作场所多样性的强烈领导和热情,并帮助我们整个过程中的融合愿景成为现实和永久,可持续的实践我们的整个组织。”

In her statement, Dorcena Forry said, "John Fish is someone whom I admire and trust as a business and philanthropic leader. Under John’s leadership, Suffolk has established a long history of civic engagement and I look forward to being part of the team and helping Suffolk to continue to make a positive difference in our communities and make an impact on future generations.”

在Beacon Hill任职期间,Dorcena Forry曾担任社区发展和小型企业联合委员会的前众议院主席。她是一个人声评论家唐纳德·特朗普总统最近对海地移民发表了贬低的评论。Prior to being elected to public office, Dorcena Forry worked as an advisor to the Boston’s housing chief and director of the Department of Neighborhood Development.
