The U.S. Labor Dept. reported the prosecution and convictions of dozens of mostly local and regional union officials and staff in 2017. One of the biggest involved a painting contractor that made illegal payments to a New York State painters’ local trustee of close to three quarters of a million dollars.

去年3月,一名联邦法官判处罗伯特·法夫里zio to eight months in prison and ordered him to pay several hundred thousand dollars in restitution. A third party administrator for the welfare fund for a painters’ local on Long Island paid Fabrizio, a trustee for the fund, $743,032 in kickbacks in order to ensure it kept its job, according to federal regulator.

Fabrizio与Painters Local 8a-28a前总裁Hector Lopez分享了收益。洛佩兹(Lopez)在2014年被判处四年徒刑。

Another union contractor connected with Fabrizio was ordered to pay $400,000 in restitution for a separate kickback scheme involving work on painters' Local 8A-28A’s union hall, according to the U.S. Labor Dept. Office of Labor-Management Standards.




底特律韦恩州立大学的法学教授彼得·亨宁(Peter Henning)说:“工会的地方不是很大。”“研究表明,当您没有内部控制时,当您没有任何人看着肩膀时,就会发生挪用公款。在大型组织中很难做到,因为它们强加了很多文书工作。”




一名法官去年2月下令一对工会承包商向当地劳动者支付超过320万美元的赔偿金。GaryCooper被判处五年徒刑,克里斯托弗·克韦根(Christopher Kwegan)因工会和其他指控而被判处三年。

法院还递交了657名业务经理安东尼·弗雷德里克(Anthony Frederick),判处四年徒刑,并命令他支付160万美元的贪污及相关费用。

另一个大案例涉及雷蒙德·格特德隆(Raymond Fitrone),匹兹堡国际锅炉制造商本地154的业务经理。根据劳工部,他在9月承诺挪用工会资金“约为1,499,000美元”。

The federal government pursued several other union corruption cases involving trade unions last year, with amounts ranging from a few hundred thousand dollars to a few thousand.


斯蒂芬妮·德博尔(Stephanie Deboer)是前办公室经理兼国际电气工人兄弟会的簿记员,在密歇根州埃德莫尔(Edmore)的876年,他于11月承诺有罪,挪用了307,563美元。

在阿肯色州的小石城,前水管工155的前办公室经理珍妮·梅·休斯(Jeni May Hughes)因挪用$ 428,874的工会资金而认罪。


最小的案件之一是威廉·迪克森(William Dixon),威廉·迪克森(William Dixon)是弗吉尼亚州黎巴嫩国际锅炉制造商本地秘书兄弟会的前财政部长。法院还命令他接受毒品治疗和咨询。

Motivations driving people to steal from their union local, or any employer, range widely, from a gambling or drug addiction to resentment over pay and working conditions.

The cases that make it to court are in the small minority, with most settled behind the scenes to avoid embarrassing disclosures and headlines, noted Robert Brown, founder partner of the CPA Solution, a Bangor, Maine-based fraud prevention and detection firm




