The Missouri Hyperloop Coalition—a public-private partnership that includes the Missouri Dept. of Transportation, the University of Missouri and other public stakeholders—announced on Jan. 30 an agreement to produce a feasibility study for a 248-mile hyperloop route, connecting Kansas City, Columbia, Mo., and St. Louis.

Virgin Hyperloop One将构建和操作所提出的途径,该路线位于70号州际公路。现在,圣路易斯和堪萨斯城之间的开车需要大约三个小时40分钟。Hyperloop One说,它可以将这次旅行降低到大约31分钟。堪萨斯州欧弗兰公园(Overland Park),工程公司Black&Veatch与Virgin Hyperloop One和密苏里大学合作,将进行可行性研究。新利luckHyperloop是密封的管子或管系统,乘客或物体可以高速行驶,没有空气阻力或摩擦。

Black&Veatch副总裁D新利luckavid Leligdon表示,可行性研究将需要长达9个月的时间才能完成。该报告将使用电子,无人机和靴子在地面数据进行检查。Leligdon说,Black&Veatch将为这条路线提供其他选择。

“Starting out with the 1-70 corridors certainly provides some advantages as far as information,” Leligdon says. “The high speed and the nature of maximizing a straight alignment, while looking at overall constructibility and environmental impact, will provide some challenges that need to be addressed. [Dealing] with that overall corridor is a good starting point.”

Modot正在向联盟合作伙伴Black&Veatch和Virgin Hyperloop One提供有关潜在货物和乘客运输的数据。数据显示,每年的I-70走廊每年都有超过3,150万吨的货物,价值超过590亿美元。


Virgin Hyperloop One公共政策总监Dan Katz说:“ [成本估算]我们确实必须在可行性研究中迭代并弄清楚。”新利luck“我们确实相信,如果您看我们的系统,它将比高速轨道便宜。”