
Project Owner/Developer
Alexico Group
总承包商/建筑经理Lendlease(美国)建筑LMB Inc.
Lead Design FirmHerzog & de Meuron
Structural EngineerWSP Cantor Seinuk
议员工程师Cosentini Associates
Architect of RecordGoldstein Hill和West Architects LLP

在第57个故事中,关于曼哈顿下城的“ Jenga”建筑物的第57个故事,Lendlease项目经理Alexander Kollaros指出:“您站在的位置,这只是下面的地面。”即使是杂技演员也令人震惊。不是阳台,而是顶层公寓的客厅地板悬臂悬挂在下面的城市,远远超过了下面的单元的外部。一个狂热的“权力游戏”迷可能会想象地板上有一个舱口,可以向空中敞开,就像电视节目中山顶城堡中的月球门一样。

为了创建带有这样的电影刺激的公寓,参与建造56伦纳德的人不得不弄清楚如何建造从建筑物周边延伸的地板部分,从47层开始,然后曲折,然后曲折到836英尺建筑的顶层 -并安全地这样做。在形成非典型的上层和铸造的同时,必须保留下层的模板,支撑和虚假工作以提供结构支撑。另一个挑战是在顶部的外围提供秋天的保护。常规保护系统是不合适的,因此建筑商使用了顶层的自定义堆叠系统。

该小组还必须制定出一个建筑sequence for the 260 balconies that jut out from the building in an irregular sequence. The solution was to install them separately after superstructure construction was complete. This allowed a conventional perimeter protection system on the lower part of the building. The balconies were installed using a table formwork system, heavy-duty scaffolding, and horizontal and vertical nets.

Judges were impressed by safety measures and innovations used, noting that workers were given special training to use the custom fall-protection system. Judges also pointed to 56 Leonard’s outreach to the industry. The project team made safety presentations and hosted walk-throughs with development and construction professionals from around the world.

Aesthetics, too, proved challenging, and not just because the design caused controversy among traditionalists. Developed by imagining the interior units and then fitting them together, the building’s extreme proportions, small footprint and exposed concrete needed verification. “We built a two-story scale model,” Alexico Group project executive Keyvan Kazemi says of preplanning. “That’s like an entire house.”

Because the design called for exposed architectural concrete finishes, the team consulted with global and stateside experts on the mix. After many trials, builders got it right in creating elephant-like wrinkles under the balconies using plastic sheets. And a two-story curved concrete staircase that connects two floors of amenities for tenants took five weeks of custom formwork building and a day to pour.


ENR's Best of the Best Projects 2017