地区ENR Midwest

Lead Design FirmSasaki Associates Inc.
Structural EngineerAlfred Benesch & Co.
议员工程师Delta Engineering Group
Architect of RecordRoss Barney Architects


The riverwalk concept has existed for decades and came to fruition in 2011, pushed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D), says Daniel Burke, city chief engineer. The mayor established a plan, named for architect and urban planner Daniel Burnham, who envisioned a riverwalk in 1909.

Initial planning had already occurred nearly a decade before the mayoral push, says Carol Ross Barney, principal designer with Ross Barney Architects. “We were commissioned with Collins Engineers for a planning and engineering study about what the city would need to do to have a riverwalk. There were some big barriers. One was to make the walkway continuous, which meant going over or under the bridge houses.”

In 2012, the team of Sasaki, Ross Barney Architects, Alfred Benesch & Co. and Jacobs/Ryan Associates, supported by technical consultants, was tasked with extending the riverwalk for six blocks within a tight permit-mandated 25-ft-wide build-out area. The design had to account for the river’s annual flood dynamics of nearly 7 vertical ft. The $95-million project required asking Congress to allow for building out into the river, which is controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. That legislation went through in 2008. Chicago also secured a $99-million Transportation Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation in 2013, to be paid back over the course of 35 years from revenue generated by vendor contracts and boat rides along the river. “We wanted to take the existing sidewalk between the bascule bridges and lower it to an elevation where people felt they were connecting with the river,” says Zachary Chrisco, principal with Sasaki. “That introduced a series of engineering challenges around how to support a pedestrian walkway and all that infrastructure within a zone that could flood at times.”

Construction also entailed working under a series of bascule bridges and adjacent to Wacker Drive and a dock wall more than 80 years old, says Kurt Naus, design project manager with Benesch. “We had to account for the existing conditions with our new design to tie into the existing structures and also utilize them in our design. We dealt with many subsurface facilities such as tunnels, power cables, drop shafts and water lines.”

机组人员将钢板从码头墙上驶出25英尺,以含有任何碎屑。Naus补充说,驳船带来了建筑材料,但是当河流在冬季冻结时,卡车不得不在夜间运送材料。船员还必须从附近的建筑物延伸到河中。Benesch Construction经理Dan Gross补充说,沃尔什(Walsh)建筑在有限时期内工作,在升降机桥下建造了凯森轴。“他们全天候工作,以驾驶这些笼子,拿起钢筋,然后将桥梁放下并重新开放到[河]交通。”



Already, revenue used to pay back the TIFIA loan is exceeding projections, say city officials. “[The riverfront is] really something that was a neglected detriment,” says Burke. “And now it’s an asset.”

ENR's Best of the Best Projects 2017