可再生能源和替代能源项目成为ENR Midwest的最高开头列表中18luck官网的中心舞台,该名单排名2017年的50个最大新利luck项目。天然气管道和水电输电项目有望为该地区提供可持续的未来。连续第二年的风电场增长表明,能源基础设施的重点并没有减弱,一些主要的大学投资显示了如何使用其中一些能源。

MidAmerican Energy plans to install $3.6 billion worth of wind turbines in Iowa by the end of 2019. The most recent project, Wind XI, marks the largest economic development project in the state’s history. The company’s 170-MW Beaver Creek wind project in Boone and Greene counties has 85 turbines and started service at the end of 2017, while the 168-MW Prairie wind project in Mahaska County has 84 turbines and began producing energy in January.

总部位于佛罗里达州的Nextera Energy Resources在2017年11月为1.3亿美元的Cothwood Wind Farm提供了服务。2017年11月,涡轮机52涡轮机。风电场的容量最多可产生89.7兆瓦,或者为29,000个内布拉斯加人提供足够的能量。在内华达州艾伦(Allen),TradeWind Energy的200兆瓦响尾蛇Creek Wind Farm具有101台涡轮机,预计将在今年年底之前运行。Facebook将为其在附近Papillion的新数据中心购买100%的电源。

其他风电场包括被子块风电场in Dane County, Wis., and the Walnut Ridge Wind Farm in Bureau County, Ill. Quilt Block will generate up to 98 MW, enough to power approximately 37,000 homes each year. The $167-million investment by Texas-based EDP Renewables included 49 turbines; construction was completed in November. Walnut Ridge Wind Farm is a $315-million, 210-MW project by Geronimo Energy being built in Ohio, Walnut and Greenville townships in Illinois. It will generate power from anywhere between 91 and 132 turbines (the final number will depend on several construction factors) and is expected to be in service in 2019.



TransCanada’s Leach XPress natural gas project has more than 160 miles of 36-in.-dia natural gas pipeline along the jagged borders of southeastern Ohio and West Virginia. The $1.5-billion investment transports 1.5 billion cu ft of natural gas from the Appalachian supply basin to Ohio, West Virginia and other previously unreachable markets. LXP was placed into service in January, and its three compressor facilities amplify the distribution potential of other existing TransCanada lines.

“通过为系统添加压缩,我们能够通过现有线路移动更多天然气,” TransCanada的女发言人Lindsey说。“通过与TransCanada的哥伦比亚海湾传输系统和我们的Rayne Xpress项目的现有互连,LXP将促进每天向东南和墨西哥湾海岸供应市场额外提供多达10亿立方英尺的货币。”

The Rover Pipeline is a 713-mile, $3.35-billion natural gas pipeline that Energy Transfer Partners broke ground on in early 2017. It is expected to transport a staggering 3.25 billion cu ft per day. Rover will gather natural gas from 12 drilling locations and from processing plants in West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania (from the Marcellus and Utica shale formations) and transport it to pipeline interconnects in West Virginia and eastern Ohio. From Energy Transfer’s Midwest Hub near Defiance, Ohio, up to 68% of its gas will be delivered for distribution to other U.S. markets and the Union Gas Dawn Storage Hub in Ontario, Canada.

The rest of Rover’s capacity will stay in Ohio and the surrounding region. Rover is 99% complete, and it is expected to have all branches in service by June. However, its construction has put Energy Transfer at odds with environmental regulators. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency cited Rover for spilling more than 2 million gallons of drilling mud contaminated with diesel fuel into a wetland in April. In November, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine filed a lawsuit asking “whether [the company’s] actions [and failures to act] stem from a series of calculated business decisions or complete indifference to Ohio’s regulatory efforts.” The suit also alleges that the firm endangered the environment in more than 10 counties. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a four-month stop on drilling along certain sections of the pipeline; that order was lifted in September. Just this week, West Virginia issued another stop work order.

Hydroelectric power is on the move, too. The Great Northern Transmission Line began construction in early 2017. Phase one of the grid modernization project will deliver hydropower generated by Manitoba Hydro to Minnesota Power customers and others throughout the region. It will consist of a 500-kv transmission line from the Minnesota-Manitoba border to the Iron Range’s substation near Grand Rapids, Minn., as well as associated substation and transmission systems modifications. A June 2020 in-service date is expected.

Education Investments


“It’s the largest capital investment ever on the Danforth campus and encompasses 18 acres,” says Jamie Kolker, associate vice chancellor and university architect. “The open spaces will serve the needs of students, faculty, staff and visitors, and foster multidisciplinary collaborations among schools and departments.”

East End的所有新建筑均被设计为获得LEED-Gold认证。许多建筑物的屋顶都将包含光伏阵列和高效热恢复冷水机,这些冷却器旨在为大部分建筑物的供暖需求收获废热。地下车库将完全由新公园覆盖,并计划为许多建筑物绿色屋顶。

A recurring theme across the region was a desire to provide a sustainable future. That applies to infrastructure projects that create or transport energy and the institutions that use it to power their facilities. Data centers from Facebook, Amazon and others had companion electrical generation projects.