
这项立法是两党谈判的产物,于3月22日以256-167的投票清除了众议院。参议院在3月23日凌晨以65-32的投票效法(查看法案文字这里.). Trump signed the measure later that day.

In the morning, however, Trump had posted a tweet threatening to veto the spending package, for not providing as much funding for a border wall as he wanted and for omitting assistance to undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.

Enactment of the spending bill averted a partial government shutdown at midnight on March 23.

For the construction industry, the focus is on the omnibus measure's infrastructure dollars. The legislation draws on a recent bipartisan budget deal that included an additional $10 billion in fiscal 2018 for infrastructure, but left it up to appropriations committees to fill in the specifics.

Appropriators spread the $10 billion, plus another $11 billion, across a variety of infrastructure programs. (View fact sheet这里.) Steve Hall, American Council of Engineering Companies vice president for government affairs, says, "We could make a strong case that across the board they could be 'plussed-up' much, much more, but it's a good first step."

Transportation accounts are major beneficiaries, receiving $8.7 billion in additional funds. Within transportation, highways leads the way, with a $3.5-billion increase from 2017 levels.

Of that total, about $1 billion would come from the Highway Trust Fund to meet the $44.2-billlion authorized level set in the 2015 Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act. The other $2.5 billion would come from the general fund, with most of those dollars to be divided among the states according to their shares of the overall highway obligations.

Joung Lee, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials policy director, says, "We would have liked to see more than the $2.5 billion going towards the federal-aid highway program, but obviously that is still very helpful."

Lee also notes that the final version didn't include an $800-million highway funding rescission that House appropriators had recommended.

The omnibus does increase highway dollars, but Lee says that "it doesn't get to the big-picture question...of the long-term solvency of the [Highway] Trust Fund, which admittedly requires a much, much bigger fix."

Dean Franks, American Road & Transportation Builders Association senior vice president for congressional relations, says the omnibus bill's additional $3.5 billion for highways is a increase of about 8%. He adds, "I think that sets a new baseline, moving forward, on where the investment should be at a minimum."

Other transportation gains include $1 billion for Federal Aviation Administration airport grants—by far the largest hike for that program in recent memory—and $1 billion for the routinely oversubscribed Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grants.


Industry officials were disappointed, however, that the final package didn't include an increase in the maximum airport passenger facility charge, which is now $4.50. Those fees are another important revenue source for aviation infrastructure projects. Senate appropriators had recommended a PFC hike but it wasn't included in the final bill.


Water-related groups also point to the separate $63-million allocation for the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act federal loan program, or WIFIA. Tracy Mehan, American Water Works Association executive director of government affairs, said in a statement, "There is a compelling need to replace and expand America’s water and wastewater infrastructure, and WIFIA is crucial to success in renewing these assets.”


Dept. of Veterans Affairs health-care facilities would receive a massive $2-billion boost, including $1 billion for "non-recurring maintenance."

此外,该包装的总体国防支出中有些$ 6111亿美元将用于军事建设。根据众议院拨款委员会fact sheet,这项措施从2017年的水平上加了24亿美元,即24亿美元,即31%。

The measure also allocates $1.6 billion for border infrastructure, including $1.3 billion for new or replacement fencing or barriers.

此外,该立法将延长FAA计划的授权,包括机场赠款,持续六个月。(请参阅Bill Text,M。)扩展名将持续到9月。当前的Stopgap FAA法案将于3月28日到期。

Story updated 3/23/18 to include bill's enactment, Trump veto threat, Senate passage and industry and state comments.