结构工程师Ron Klemencic记得2011年5月2日,是他职业生涯中“最毁灭性的一天”。On that Monday, his mentor, partner, coach, adviser, friend and “big boss,” Jon Magnusson, walked into his office and announced, briefly—and with no possibility of negotiation—that he was planning to hand the engineering practice’s “baton” to Klemencic by Jan. 1, 2013.

初级合伙人,时任当时的Magnusson Klemencic Associates结构 +土木工程师,没有向Magnusson震惊,Magnusson自1988年以来一直领导该公司,并于1992年雇用了Klemencic。我被吓到了。我回家了,卷着一个球,像婴儿一样抽泣。” MKA董事长兼首席执行官Klemencic说。克莱米奇(Klemencic)说:“这对我来说是最困难的时刻。”但他用引导程序拉起了自己,并弄清楚了如何成为大老板。

“The transition has gone as smoothly as it could possibly have gone,” he says. And Magnusson, who remains as chairman emeritus and a senior principal, is still available for counsel. Rob Chmielowski, a senior principal and new shareholder, says, “Not much has changed since 2013, except for “a newfound focus on collaboration, mentorship and coaching.” One change is the firm’s official mission. In 2016, it became “always striving for better” from “to be consistently sought out globally for the best civil and structural engineering assignments.”

The 190-person practice continues to thrive under Klemencic’s leadership. MKA currently has 175 active projects in 28 U.S. states and eight nations. Annual revenue is $50 million.

MKA的13个股东不愿出售给另一家公司或收购一家公司。MKA总裁唐·戴维斯(Don Davies)说:“总会有一个较小的卓越中心。”


尽管该实践以高建筑物和地震设计而闻名,但MKA设计结构和基础,几乎包括公园在内。在世界贸18luck官网易中心的罗纳德·佩雷尔曼(Ronald O. Perelman)表演艺术中心和曼哈顿雅各布·K·贾维茨会议中心(Jacob K. Javits Convention Center)的扩展。

Studio Gang Architects的创始人,芝加哥正在建造的近1200英尺高的Vista塔的设计师Jeanne Gang说,克莱米奇具有“优化的心态”和“良好的设计敏感性”,尤其是使用结构来增强结构建筑思想。

Contractors like him, too, for he asks how he can help make a building more constructible. “He’s amazingly transparent, easy to work with and collaborative,” says David M. Wilson, vice president of Clark Construction Group, California. “Whenever there’s an issue, he rolls up his sleeves and helps solve the problem.”

建筑师皮卡德·奇尔顿(Pickard Chilton)的负责人比尔·奇尔顿(Bill Chilton)补充说:“如果幸运的话,我们一生中都有一个产生深远影响的人。罗恩(Ron)将列入不成比例的人名单,他绝对是我的。”

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