


In addition, on Sept. 1, 2017, UCHealth committed to more than $105 million in investments to connect with Steamboat Springs’ Yampa Valley Medical Center, now part of the UCHealth system. Accompanying the Longs Peak project was a buyout of the Longmont Clinic. Many of its 44 physicians are now affiliated with the new hospital. And effective April 1, UCHealth completed its acquisition of Pikes Peak Regional Hospital in Woodland Park, Colo.

Current construction for the nearly 1,800-bed network includes a 144,000-sq-ft, $110-million expansion of Memorial Hospital North in Colorado Springs; a 145,000-sq-ft, $105-million sports-medicine facility in Inverness, just south of Denver; and the 89,000-sq-ft, $60-million Cherry Creek Medical Center in central Denver. The facilities are expected to open at various times next year.

去年,Uchealth还在科罗拉斯堡柯林斯堡(Fort Collins)的Poudre Valley医院完成了185,000平方英尺,9,900万美元的扩张。

The firm is investing more than $1 billion in new growth, says UCHealth spokesman Dan Weaver. And if the experience with Longs Peak Hospital in Longmont is an indication, the strategy is off to a good start.

最近3月的一个早晨,朗峰医院院长兼首席执行官丹·罗宾逊(Dan Robinson)指出,医院的51张病床中有41张被填满了。他说,这对于建立Long Peak的决定至关重要的是,在2015年,其他UCHealth医院为Longmont地区提供了1,000多名患者。


Robinson says the entire project team—including Haselden, architects EYP Health and BSA LifeStructures and the many subcontractors—embraced UCHealth’s cultural ideal. That, he says, is the belief that “this is the place where, if you were to choose where to get health care for your loved one—if that’s your mom in the bed—you would choose us.”

Providing advanced care close to patients is the theme of UCHealth’s expansion, and the architectural components of its new facilities help support the company’s branding strategy. Especially prominent are arches that reflect UCHealth’s logo and which, Robinson says, represent the system’s “umbrella of care.”


UCHealth设施,设计和建设副总裁Sean Menogan表示,以科罗拉多主题为主题的元素包括Buff Stone和Brick以及大型玻璃。新建筑物的设计看起来相似,即使不是完全相同,可以创建全州的外观和感觉。

Standardization is not only aesthetic but also structural, Menogan says. For example, all patient rooms in the hospitals in Longmont, Greeley and Highlands Ranch follow the same pattern. In addition to creating modularity for more efficient design and construction, the standardization has allowed UCHealth to obtain volume discounts on materials.

UCHealth总裁兼首席执行官伊丽莎白·康科迪亚(Elizabeth Concordia)说,标准化的另一个目标是将患者置于熟悉的环境中,无论他们在UCHealth网络中的任何地方。




– Mike Ross, Senior Project Manager, Mortenson

标准化的另一个贡献者是去年秋天与哈斯尔登(Haselden)和其他在其他医院一起工作的总承包商(Highlands Ranch M.A. Mortenson Co.; Je Dunn Construction,Greeley; Ge Johnson Construction; Ge Johnson Construction; Ge Johnson Co.)。40多名建筑主管和项目经理聚集在科罗拉多州百年纪念的Haselden总部的一个房间里,探讨了在朗蒙特建立Long Peak医院的好处,并研究了经验教训。

莫滕森(Mortenson)的高级项目经理迈克·罗斯(Mike Ross)称这次会议“始终试图改进的一个相当合理的演示。我们确实受到了我们的好评。”

Menogan notes UCHealth has built strong relationships with senior management at all the firms, which he describes as “top contractors.” For his part, Ross, of Mortenson—which has been working with UCHealth for nearly 10 years—says a strong rapport drives construction efforts with the medical organization.




For example, UCHealth has a single, systemwide electronic records platform and operates what it calls a “virtual care center” at its main campus in Aurora, Colo. There, technicians keep an eye on monitors from intensive care units across the health system, and “e-sitters” use feeds from in-room robots and cameras to watch patients who might be at risk for falling.

Menogan,求监督所有项目18luck官网inning with the concept stage, the process has been both rewarding and challenging. The rewards, he says, have come from seeing patients being treated in facilities he has helped build. The challenges, on the other hand, came principally from having to start planning the hospitals in Highlands Ranch and Greeley before Longs Peak was completed and before lessons could be fully digested.

