The energy sector propelled construction activity in this year’s ENR MidAtlantic Top Starts list. The compilation, which ranks by total cost the largest regional projects on which substantial construction began in 2017, was boosted by seven energy-related projects. The largest project on the list—the $6-billion Shell ethylene cracker plant in Monaca, Pa.—is so large that the facility’s “early works project” was ranked No. 17 as a separate $200-million contract. A Trumbull Energy Services and Mascaro joint venture completed the early works, which included earthwork, road movement and a parking garage. Another team, led by general contractor Babcock & Wilcox, started the rest of the ethylene project in November.

The list’s seven energy projects are proof that the MidAtlantic is “one of the most active—if not the most active—regions in terms of power plant development and natural gas exploration and production in recent years,” says Kevin Needham, president of Kiewit Engineering Group Inc.

Kiewit在宾夕法尼亚州有三个电力项目。18luck官网它们是:北海狸镇的6号山核桃跑步站(8.63亿美元);约翰斯敦的7号CPV Fairview能源中心(7亿美元);和第10号Birdsboro Power天然气电厂(4.25亿美元)。Needham说:“我们还在跟踪并积极竞标周围州的许多项目。”18luck官网

Overall, this year’s list includes 25 projects with a combined value of $21.2 billion. That’s more than double the total value of last year’s roster, which included 50 projects, four of which were power plants. Projects on the new list—compiled using information from Dodge Data & Analytics, plus details provided by firms—all exceed $149 million. By comparison, the smallest contract on last year’s list was $106 million. The lists draw from projects located in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

ENR MidAtlantic 2017 Top Starts

最新名单上最大的非能量合同是哥伦比亚特区郊区的马里兰州的紫色线。16英里的轻轨项目估计为20亿美元,排名第4。名单上的另一个运输基础设施项目是3.96亿美元的Scudder Falls Bridge替代品,该项目将宾夕法尼亚州雄鹿县和新泽西州默瑟县连接起来。Hill International is serving as the project’s construction manager for the No. 11-ranked project. Michael Griffin, Hill’s regional president for the Americas, says the project replaces a “functionally obsolete” bridge that has “too narrow and dangerous entrance and exit ramps on both sides of the river.”

Scudder Falls项目未能获得州和联邦赠款,并由特拉华河联合收费桥委员会资助。在过去三年中,联邦基础设施项目主要缺少最高启动18luck官网列表。但是,在最近签署的1.3亿美元的支出计划中,耗资212亿美元的联邦基础设施资金可能会改变这一点。格里芬说,该立法将在该地区及其他地区提高“急需的高速公路,过境和航空需求”。他说:“知道这笔资金已经到位,各州,过境机构和机场现在将能够在未来几年内计划其工作计划。”“希望这会为良好的修复项目带来很大的凹痕。”18luck官网

今年也有四个医院项目列入名单18luck官网,其中包括西费城的15亿美元宾夕法尼亚州医学馆。一个名为《 View -phase II》(1.9亿美元)的私人学生住房项目与坦普尔大学校园相邻的第18位,领先于第21坦普尔大学图书馆(1.7亿美元)。

Temple图书馆是该地区的LERA咨询结构工程师的选举项目之一。18luck官网LERA合作伙伴Elias Matar说,尽管“有传言说”市场应进行更正,但他的公司“对不久的将来感到乐观”。他说:“我们正在努力将尽可能多的工作带入管道中,因此我们至少可以尽可能地忙碌。”

Power generation projects could slow down in the coming years. Kiewit’s Needham says the sector shows signs of “overbuild.” But he also says that as the region’s numerous, aging coal-fired generation plants are retired, “We see continued opportunities for gas-fired generation to take over coal’s role as baseload.”