重新授权联邦航空管理局计划(包括机场建设补助金)的立法再次在国会山(Capitol Hill)移动。在EN新利luckR发稿时,众议院正处于一项为期六年的账单上的投票,该法案将冻结机场改善计划(AIP)的授权,每年33.5亿美元,直到2023财年。

The bill’s main author, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), proposed an amendment authorizing $5.3 billion over five years for a new airport infrastructure grant program for rural non-hub airports. It was likely to be added to the bill.


An amendment from Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) would raise AIP gradually, to about $4 billion in 2023. Brian Deery, senior director of the Associated General Contractors of America highway and transportation division, says, “Obviously, we’d like to see that [AIP program] boosted up.” He adds, “There’s money in the [aviation] trust fund for it and it’s been flat-level funding for a lot of years.”

If Barletta’s AIP amendment fails, airport grants still will have a banner year. Authorizations are subject to an annual appropriation. AIP’s is $4.3 billion this year, thanks to a $1-billion infusion in the 2018 omnibus spending measure.

An amendment from Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), would eliminate the PFC cap, set at $4.50 since 2000. FAA pegs 2017 PFC collections at $3.3 billion.


The Senate Commerce Committee last June cleared a four-year FAA bill with annual AIP hikes, topping out at $3.75 billion. It keeps the $4.50 PFC cap. A Senate aide says, “We’re hoping to have a long-term reauthorization in place by August.” Dave Bauer, American Road & Transportation Builders Association executive vice president, says, “If the House approves a bill, every indication that we’ve heard …from [Hill] leadership and others is that FAA is one of the things that they’re going to do in the remainder of the year.”