
Innovative methods such as public-private partnerships and integrated project delivery already are proving their value globally to fast-track construction and avoid costly errors from poor planning and management.



顽固的依赖设计竞标构建是大多数公共工程的唯一方法是问题的核心,合同奖励仅授予最低负责任的响应式竞标者。最初的成本估算和时间表以及承包商的竞标 - 通常包括大型意外事件(20%或更多),以说明古老的合同条款和条件以及预期的官僚机构。这导致大多数主要的公共项目结束,成本超支。18luck官网

Modern project control tools more accurately track progress and deviations, allowing construction managers to make more timely corrections.

Results have improved as more states have unleashed agencies to use design-build, as Colorado has since the late 1990s.

The award-winning $1.67-billion Transportation Expansion (T-REX) Interstate in Denver finished in 2006, 3.2% under budget and 22 months early.

公共机构之间的“合作协议”确保所有人都与项目目标保持一致。它的成功导致了该市Fastracks计划的一部分,这导致了22亿美元的East和Gold Line Enterprise(Eagle)P3方法。从概念到合同的Eagle P3采购是在三年内完成的。

据Enr说,在美国设计学院的最新会议上,其国家和地方立法事务总监理查德·托马斯(Richard Thomas)表示:“几乎所有使用DB的所有者都希望再次使用它。”新利luck

Even so, states face looming DB sunset provisions or other legislative hurdles to extend programs.

Modern project control tools more accurately track progress and deviations, allowing construction managers to make more timely corrections.

There is little room for fraud and abuse when updated practices with proven track records are properly used. Checks and balances, as well as fair risk allocation, must be built into delivery models.



首先,让我们分解数十亿美元的长期计划,例如拟议的Penn Station重建和网关,并根据现有条件的优先级进行可管理的细分市场,并根据现有条件的优先级进行分阶段。

The definition of insanity is to expect a different outcome while you keep doing the same thing! The Trump administration should push change by requiring new contracting methods in its touted infrastructure program. But whether or not promises turn to funding, state and local officials must step up, as they have on other issues, sooner rather than later.

迈索尔·纳加拉哈(Mysore Nagaraja),,,,顾问和前MTA Capital Construction总裁可以通过Consultmysore@yahoo.com与;霍华德·萨克尔,PACO Technologies的高级副总裁兼NY和NJ港口管理局的前ARC隧道项目总监,网址为hsackel@pacogroup.com;Bob Previdi,大费城自行车联盟的政策协调员和前纽约市运输计划师,网址为bob@bicyclecoalition.org。

If you have an idea for a column, please contact Viewpoint Editor Richard Korman atkormanr@enr.com