Contractors on the $2.7-billion Silver Line Metro extension in northern Virginia will protect or replace 1,569 precast concrete panels used on five stations after multiple issues were discovered on hundreds of the panels.

在混凝土面板的质量控制测试中,Capital Rail构造仪,Clark Construction Group和Kiewit基础设施南部的合作伙伴关系,发现水泥 - 水比在早期生产过程中的规格不足。面板是由宾夕法尼亚州Stowe的通用混凝土供应制造的。

资本铁路建设者项目总监基思·库奇(Keith Couch)说,对混凝土工厂的调查错误地读取了骨料的水分含量。他说:“要么探针工作正常,要么无法正确校准。”


The problem was discovered in April 2017, after more than six months of production using the automated probe. At that point, the plant had cast a total of 578 panels, including 309 panels while the probe was in place. Couch says quality control inspectors were alerted by data anomalies. “The batch tickets said the water ratio was within spec,” he says. “When you went in and compared the math, the math didn’t make sense.”

CRC tested the aggregate using a manual burn-off method and discovered that the water content was reading too low, which led the system to add too much water to the final mix.

Don Faust, president of Universal Concrete Products, did not respond to calls for comment.

CRC launched a deeper investigation into the panels. Couch says that petrographic analysis revealed a low-air-entrainment issue in some panels.

Additionally, engineers with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, which is overseeing Silver Line construction, discovered issues with rebar placement during a plant inspection, says Charles Stark, vice president of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project. “One of our engineers was in the subcontractor’s plant and noticed that as they were casting the panels, the steel reinforcement could end up too close to the surface,” he says.




Couch says the partnership’s quality control plan did its job. “We found an issue, we elevated the issue, we did an immediate investigation and we put corrective action in place.”